Training Run Times

Last "long" run yesterday - 16 miles with the lads from the group and a decent pace on it. First run in company in well over a month - it was a pure tonic. Into the taper now.

The hamstring was well sore after yesterday - you get the feeling there's just one decent run in it in its current condition. The physio has a lot of strengthening exercises lined up for the next fortnight but there seems to be more pain (although a different type of pain) after the exercises than before.

Ouside of that, I'm in good shape - Saturday was the first run in the entire training cycle that I had to cancel and the week just finished is the only week in the whole cycle that I didn't exceed the target mileage. So, fingers crossed, stop running and get strengthening.
Back to the Physio today. He told me not to run at my last visit which didn’t make a lot of sense as I’ve rested for weeks on and off with no change. (16 minutes in, pins and needles then numbness) He’d hit a few tender spots massaging the calf and during last weeks run I stopped and massaged one particular part of my calf, just below my knee which had never been on my horizon. It was as if someone has turned on a tap and circulation in my foot more or less came back by about 80%.

Armed with this, back to him today and he hammered the bejaysus out of the calf and said I could try a run this evening to see if it made any difference and lo and behold crawled my 5k more or less event free for the first time in over a year. That said Calf is hopping now and one swallow doesn’t make a summer but I’ll take it for today!

My next outing will be interesting.
Back to the Physio today. He told me not to run at my last visit which didn’t make a lot of sense as I’ve rested for weeks on and off with no change. (16 minutes in, pins and needles then numbness) He’d hit a few tender spots massaging the calf and during last weeks run I stopped and massaged one particular part of my calf, just below my knee which had never been on my horizon. It was as if someone has turned on a tap and circulation in my foot more or less came back by about 80%.

Armed with this, back to him today and he hammered the bejaysus out of the calf and said I could try a run this evening to see if it made any difference and lo and behold crawled my 5k more or less event free for the first time in over a year. That said Calf is hopping now and one swallow doesn’t make a summer but I’ll take it for today!

My next outing will be interesting.
Nice one!
Myself, timeout and the lads did our last "serious" run this morning - a 12-miler out and back around the Blackrock loop. Decent breakfast for afterwards in Café Velo to celebrate the end of the program. We did various shots at MP in the second half of the spin - I tipped along for 4 at mid-6:40s. My hamstring is sore when I'm running and sore when I'm not running so I don't know where I am. We'll see how the week goes.

Anyway, a few short spins is all that's left before the big day.
Corey Bellemore delivers again in the beer mile. They've gone back to cans, which adds around 30 seconds. LOL, he still delivers sub-4:50 :oops:
I reckon Carmona is definitely the odds-on favourite if we ever do a PROC beer mile.

Ah Jeez, Terrier, I'd be second fave at best behind Smurf. Sure that lad did a pint in a jogged sub 3!!
I do have a bit of experience mind. Twice did the (Extremely Unofficial) Belgian Beer mile up in L'Eglise in mid January. First year it was snowing fairly nicely and we'd done a warm-up 5k race an hour or two beforehand. Great memories of that year. Chaos. Then I came second in a strong - ok, piss-poor non-runner - field in the Lux version!! There was some Liquid Aerial Spewing I'm afraid by the PRoC representative in that performance, but I avoided a penalty lap. Prize ceremony was fun too. They said runner-up prize was a slab of 24 cans...... Eh, I'm jogging home boys (about 5k), don't think I'll manage the slab on me shoulder! Never did see 'em.
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