Training Run Times

I am trying to get the old mileage of the long runs up alright. Did 26.5kms last Sunday. Leaves me fairly shagged for a bit afterwards but no real damage done, I think. What I can't understand is how I ran the Half at about 4.40 and I can't get near 5 min Kms in any training runs! Mad. I'm kinda hoping to do Valencia once injuries don't derail me, so the idea is to get in a couple of 32k runs in the next 6 weeks. No speed. On the day I'll see if I can do 5min Kms or something.
I am trying to get the old mileage of the long runs up alright. Did 26.5kms last Sunday. Leaves me fairly shagged for a bit afterwards but no real damage done, I think. What I can't understand is how I ran the Half at about 4.40 and I can't get near 5 min Kms in any training runs! Mad. I'm kinda hoping to do Valencia once injuries don't derail me, so the idea is to get in a couple of 32k runs in the next 6 weeks. No speed. On the day I'll see if I can do 5min Kms or something.
That's the perfect approach C- tip away at 5:10 pace. I spent a long time doing it after the hip injury and it does wonders for the pulse in any case so that when you go harder you have the cardiovascular capacity to deliver.

Given your experience / muscle memory etc., you should be well able to get that Sunday run out to 32 / 34 km and maybe even a 36km over the next 8 weeks. Perfect for Valencia. Then, as you'll remember from a certain run in Rotterdam in 2011, it's no bother to throw on a bit of extra pace as you get going on the day (I'd say those Croatian lads are still talking about you ;)).

It's great to see you back in action - just don't blow it!
I am trying to get the old mileage of the long runs up alright. Did 26.5kms last Sunday. Leaves me fairly shagged for a bit afterwards but no real damage done, I think. What I can't understand is how I ran the Half at about 4.40 and I can't get near 5 min Kms in any training runs! Mad. I'm kinda hoping to do Valencia once injuries don't derail me, so the idea is to get in a couple of 32k runs in the next 6 weeks. No speed. On the day I'll see if I can do 5min Kms or something.
Great progress from where you have been C. A nice feeling no doubt to feel the fitness coming back. Aside from the speed (which will come) its great to get through a run where you are fit enough to switch off and lose yourself in your thoughts for a bit rather than be battling your way to finish a 4 miler that feels like a long run!
Back from the Physio about the numbness in my foot. Couldn’t pinpoint anything in particular that might be causing it. Gave me a few exercises, which I’d been doing anyway, and said come back again next week to see if there’s any change and then might refer me on to someone else.
Terrier, you seem to be in a fairly good place right now. Keep it that way now for the last few weeks. I see what you're saying about speed, but let's be honest, you were always a slow cooker. [Auto correct changed that, but I think I'll leave it as 'cooker' now😂]. The strong base and the decent mileage is probably more important for you. Those 15 mile runs at M pace are your key sessions. Are you on the Really Old Lads club team this year?
LOL, there's no pre-picked aul' lads team as such C. Athletics Ireland stopped that way of doing it a few years ago - there was clubs trying to add lads to teams after races because they'd got a better time than expected etc. So, now they just take the first three over the line in the AG from each club - nobody is nominated in advance. In theory, I have a shot at one of those three slots for Eagle - but won't know until the race is done.

Agree on the speed - it'll come or it won't at this stage. Of far more concern ATM is the fact that hamstring is not recovering between runs and is slowly getting worse. Can still run on it but the times between running it's aching away. Have been getting physio consultation / support / maniplation but he is (correctly) saying to stop any serious running for now. All the heavy running is done so this means there will be a sharper taper than planned. That all sounds doable but I know in advance I'll be climbing the walls. Seventeen days is a good aul wait like.

Had a good run of MP there on Tuesday - 11 miles on the flat around the Blackrock loop and then an "out and back" to Passage. So I can't complain if I can get the hammer to calm down.
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