Hi guys, I'm one of the people involved in the protest campaign against the proposed flood defences.
The reason we've started to protest is not that we think Cork doesn't require flood defences (it certainly does), it's that having looked at the scheme, we feel it's not the right solution for Cork.
We're organising an open information night tonight in UCC for anyone that's interested. We've asked a number of experts in various fields concerned with the scheme to speak. Come along if you want to get up to speed on the OPW scheme in a short space of time.
7pm Wednesday 8th Feb, Boole 3, UCC.
One of the reasons for the urgency of the campaign is that the scheme is going to radically change the appearance of the city all along the quays, and involve massively intrusive construction work over a ten year period in the city centre. OPW have kept this scheme relatively quiet over the last few years (many people have no idea it's about to happen), and the window for commenting on the scheme to the OPW is about to close (deadline is the 17th Feb).
I'm happy to answer any questions here about the OPW scheme or our campaign (to the best of my ability). As I said, this campaign is about getting the right solution for Cork - we deserve better than what they've proposed.