Cork Flood Defences

The proposed walls would take the look of the river which 99% of the time is not flooding the city. And if the w@nkers up at the dam did their job properly and realised that back flooding farmers fields upriver isn't as catastrophic as sending a wall of water down the river then there'd be no need for the over the top walls the length of the riverside.

Hopefully a reasonable compromise can be arrived at. But I'd have my doubts.
There are walls along most of the quays brah. These new walls are pretty much the same impact wise.

Often its just a few inches of water spilling over does the damage.
There are walls along most of the quays brah. These new walls are pretty much the same impact wise.

Often its just a few inches of water spilling over does the damage.

You seem to be suggesting they're merely raising the walls by just a few inches. That's not the case. And the walls that have been pencilled in are due to be a couple of feet high. If dredging of the river was done properly and regularly, and the cnut with his finger on the button up at the dam got instructed on what's involved then much of this would be avoidable.
You seem to be suggesting they're merely raising the walls by just a few inches. That's not the case. And the walls that have been pencilled in are due to be a couple of feet high. If dredging of the river was done properly and regularly, and the cnut with his finger on the button up at the dam got instructed on what's involved then much of this would be avoidable.

The River Lee is subject to the tides so more dredging would only allow more water in.

The quay walls can be re-built / raised in stone or glass in sensitive areas and we may finally start to appreciate the river as an amenity and not just a car park right up to the quay wall like on Morrisons island and hardly a pavement on Georges Quay. Proper pavements,seats and planting need to be pencilled in also but the main purpose is the prevention of flooding in affected areas of the city.
You seem to be suggesting they're merely raising the walls by just a few inches. That's not the case. And the walls that have been pencilled in are due to be a couple of feet high. If dredging of the river was done properly and regularly, and the cnut with his finger on the button up at the dam got instructed on what's involved then much of this would be avoidable.

Jesus brah. What do you have against the dam workers?
Mire - asking a reasonable question is never childish.

I wonder how many of these protestors live or work in parts of the city that are affected by flooding? I suspect none of them.
The architect who is leading the protests has an office next to the funeral home at the end of shandon street so at least she works in proximity to the river.
Mire - asking a reasonable question is never childish.

I wonder how many of these protestors live or work in parts of the city that are affected by flooding? I suspect none of them.

I don't know; but questioning the motives of those raising objections is a bit spurious. And it was not a 'reasonable' question; it was irrelevant and a bit of a cheap shot.

Anyone who cares about the city has a right to contribute to this discussion. That includes those people who live in flood-prone areas, and those who don't.
Some of the flood defences in Waterford are glass see-through barriers. But that's in a new modern section of quays. I don't know if it would be suitable for some of Cork's quays.
and the cnut with his finger on the button up at the dam got instructed on what's involved then much of this would be avoidable.

think around the time of the bad floods i heard that if the dam collapsed the wave that hits county hall would be 10m high.
long story short if the dams hitting its max capacity its probably better off to release some water.
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