Cork Flood Defences

Savecorkcity now saying that a tidal barrier spaning between the bottom of little island and passage is now the only viable option.

They seem to be dropping this "wetlands" crap.
Savecorkcity now saying that a tidal barrier spaning between the bottom of little island and passage is now the only viable option.

They seem to be dropping this "wetlands" crap.

How exactly does that stop the ESB flooding the city again though?

Savecorkcity now saying that a tidal barrier spaning between the bottom of little island and passage is now the only viable option.

They seem to be dropping this "wetlands" crap.

Yes, because nowhere in the world has ever used the idea of utilising upstream land and wetlands' capacity as a flood alleviation and flood management device. They just made the whole airy-fairy thing up.

I note also that there are worrying claims (not from so called lefties) but eminent researchers and award winning climate specialists who are saying that

- the scheme is a bad engineering response
- the scheme will probably not prevent flooding
Any pictures of what it will look like.

Tis in the presentation pdf.

A river crossing into little island from passage would make sense here also if they want to make it dual purpose.

Im not sure if container ships could fit through it though.
So some group calling themselves “save Cork City” have lost a legal challenge in the Supreme Court to the Morrison’s Island redevelopment.
City Council will now proceed with the project. The group who tried everything possible to force Cork City Council not to start the project are now begging for “compromise.”

So some group calling themselves “save Cork City” have lost a legal challenge in the Supreme Court to the Morrison’s Island redevelopment.
City Council will now proceed with the project. The group who tried everything possible to force Cork City Council not to start the project are now begging for “compromise.”

Finger on the pulse there as usual down in Mayfield's toilet, fair play.
Cork Pride Parade
Grand Parade, Cork

4th Aug 2024 @ 2:00 pm
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