Training Run Times

How ya doing yourself, Smurf? Hoping to see you lighting up the boards again soon.
Not a whole lot to report here. Ive had 3 terrible years of injuries now with hardly any racing. Got back to decent fitness between Feb & April and managed to run 15 miles at marathon pace in the railway run which made my mind up to do Cork. Woke up the very next morning with a sore achilies and havent been able to sort it. Have done very little for the last 5 months, running about 30mls a week with no sessions at all. Bit of a disaster to be honest.
Jasysus smurf, that's a hard station - it's not like you haven't been givng it a decent effort. The killer is when your tried and trusted rehab methods and your tried and trusted physios are not able to deliver progress.

Update on my side since Copenhagen HM – increasing the mileage continues – am on approx 65 miles per week last week and this week. So far, the increase has been steady and there have been some strong runs – coincidentally, two them in Dublin – the 12-miler I posted last week and a 16.5-miler encompassing the second half of the DCM course yesterday morning. I also got a good 22-miler done in Cork on Sunday – 15 over hills followed by 6 at HM followed by a 1 mile warmdown.

Last week, this week and the fortnight following are the key hardest weeks for DCM – they are the final four weeks before the taper and are the weeks where you get the volume done, the iron comes into the legs and, in theory, your marathon pace solidifies into something you can deliver in steady state. I dunno if it’s age or what but I am finding this phase a lot tougher than previous campaigns. I’m fierce tired a lot of the time and any sort of decent MP is not sustainable – out of breath, HR too high, etc.

In fairness, the Achilles meant that I didn’t get to do this four-week block for Boston this Spring and the last decent campaign before that was for DCM 2019, where I was definitely in better shape. So, it’s been a while since I had any decent data to compare. However, over the last few days the left groin has started to get sore (even while running) and the Achilles is making a return to the injury front line too.

When you’re stuck in the middle of a high-commitment training program, it’s really hard to back off. Mileage is everything and you have this morbid fear that if you ease off at all you’ll go to the start line undercooked and crash out at 16 miles. So, I’ll have to pretend that I’m reading this as posted by another poster and then I think I’ll have to probably advise that fictitious other runner to cool it and drop the mileage for a while. There’s lads can bang out 80+ miles per week steadily through a campaign but it looks like I’m still not (and will never be!) one of them.
Not a whole lot to report here. Ive had 3 terrible years of injuries now with hardly any racing. Got back to decent fitness between Feb & April and managed to run 15 miles at marathon pace in the railway run which made my mind up to do Cork. Woke up the very next morning with a sore achilies and havent been able to sort it. Have done very little for the last 5 months, running about 30mls a week with no sessions at all. Bit of a disaster to be honest.
Sorry to hear that Smurf. Do you go out on the bike or anything like that?
Yeah, that's a damn shame, Smurf. I do like having a fit PS on the forum just to get a taste and an insight into that level of running, which, let's be honest is quite a bit above the rest of us :) Hope to see you back in the not too distant future, lad. You had got up to 15 miles at MP an' all.
Not a whole lot to report here. Ive had 3 terrible years of injuries now with hardly any racing. Got back to decent fitness between Feb & April and managed to run 15 miles at marathon pace in the railway run which made my mind up to do Cork. Woke up the very next morning with a sore achilies and havent been able to sort it. Have done very little for the last 5 months, running about 30mls a week with no sessions at all. Bit of a disaster to be honest.
Hope things improve soon fella,
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