Training Run Times

Jeez, Earl that's good going mate. If you play it crafty now for Dublin you should break that again I'd say. I wouldn't be giving up yet lad, plenty of improvement in ya!! Doing the longer stuff has obviously stood to you.

Meself and Terrier have a few years on you, btw.
Hey Marky,
No doubt you have a crap enough time of it for the last while. What you have discovered in terms of the HR training may be exactly what you need. most importantly it allows you to keep running and as Terrier said the pace no doubt will improve as you get fitter and into new HR zones. The fact that you havent turned your back on running despite the obstacles (many would have) is a clear sign that you have a love for it. Hope it continues to improve.

One of the girls in the office with me had very similar in terms of the numbness in the foot. i will ask her if she has anything to share that might help.
Thanks Smurf. All suggestions greatly appreciated.
Cork Pride Parade
Grand Parade, Cork

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