Immigration Thread

I don't know where else to put this. But these hate speech laws are an extremely regressive step. Governments are slowly encroaching on our freedoms to the point that we protest a little and they step back but then using that protest to encroach a little bit more. This is where we are headed. You can forget your freedom. Read a book called ordinary men by Robert Browning if you want to see how this process works.

Protest a little bit lol

I think the current conflict is confusing for some on the far right, as they are not sure which side they should hate more.

The last time I saw a wannabe-Nazi demo, they were waving Israeli flags. :confused: :lol!:

Article about it in German here la
just put the address into google translate if you want to know more.
I think the current conflict is confusing for some on the far right, as they are not sure which side they should hate more.

The last time I saw a wannabe-Nazi demo, they were waving Israeli flags. :confused: :lol!:

Article about it in German here la
just put the address into google translate if you want to know more.
There are countless more Muslims then Jewish people in Germany today for obvious reasons. Hence the softening toward Israel which is far away and a hardened attitude to Muslims in the Fatherland.
#IrishLivesMatter was trending on twitter early, I have never read so many vile disgusting comments from so called Irish people.
Embarrassing to read such racist comments.
And they can't decide whether the huge crowd that showed up to riot proves their "concerns" about immigrants are widely shared or whether all the looters and rioters were apolitical opportunists that weren't connected with their movements. Which is it?
And they can't decide whether the huge crowd that showed up to riot proves their "concerns" about immigrants are widely shared or whether all the looters and rioters were apolitical opportunists that weren't connected with their movements. Which is it?
There were probably both kinds.
And they can't decide whether the huge crowd that showed up to riot proves their "concerns" about immigrants are widely shared or whether all the looters and rioters were apolitical opportunists that weren't connected with their movements. Which is it?

The yoots robbing runners and setting cars alight couldnt tell you left from right much less have a protest/riot based on political ideology.

The current government basically use.far right as a catch all to label opposition to their unpopular policies.

Unchecked immigration putting strain on housing and other services.....far right

Putting men in women's spaces...far right.

Teaching gender ideaology to children...far right.

Economic migrants here gaming the system to seek asylum and go on benefits long term are not popular. That's not rocket science or a extreme right wing position.

People dont want to pay crippling tax to support those who are only leaching off our welfare system.
Trying to stifle any discussion of violent crimes committed by immigrants is dangerous.

Puskas is just one example, there's plenty more. Aisling Murphys boyfriend Ryan Casey was accused of 'inciting hatred' when he questioned why they worked to support a man who made no postive contribution to Irish society despite being here a decade. Its a legitimate question.

Bandying a label about than actually discuss policy that people aren't happy about is weak political leadership. Ours is particularly bad. A right of centre political party will emerge just as it has in Holland, Sweden, Italy etc. We're no different to any other country. We just seem a little slow on the uptake.
Jack O' Rourke
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

5th Oct 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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