Donald Trump
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Nice one!Here ya go
179 episodes.
Cant go wrong.
Nice one!Here ya go
179 episodes.
Cant go wrong.
Dan carlin’s hardcore history. There’s one on the fall of the Roman republic and the rise of the emperor. It’s about twenty hours long in four or five parts. Epic listening.
dolly parton’s america.
six episodes in of the nine.
it’s excellent listening.
Here ya go
179 episodes.
Cant go wrong.
I'm currently listening to "My favourite Murder" - murder/comedy combination by two American women, Karen Kilgarriff and Georgia Hardstark.
Next on my list is "West Cork", the Ian Bailey one - anyone listened to it?
Generally, I have an interest in crime (surprising I know!) so I have listened to and enjoyed both the Serial series, Dirty John and S- town.
I listen to the doc on one podcast a lot and also dip in and out of This American Life.
So, give me ideas and recommendations people...
I think you would really like The Nobody Zone. It's on RTE and Youtube about an Irish serial killer in London. It's very Dark and Hard Boiled and fasicating in a most disturbing way.
I like the more recent Blindboy Boatman ones. Some good interviews.
The documentary about The Comedy Store on Sky Arts is interesting because it goes into how comedians started doing podcasts.
Mostly I will only look at shorter clips of podcasts on Youtube and if I see the full length one is 3 hours long then I dont bother.
I like a lot of audiobooks on Youtube. I tend to avoid Libravox because it will often have very poor quality recordings.
I love the half hour length Victorian Horror Stories from from Bitesize Audio Classics.
Horror Babble have some good stuff too. There is also a guy that does all Arthur Conan Doyle books. All on Youtube.
Madame Cowell's Ghost by Joseph Sheridan La Fanu is one of the better ones from Libravox.