What podcast are you listening to right now?

Neither am I.

But I do watch joe rogan and off the ball podcasts on you tube sometimes.

Probably some there.

You do realise that YouTube is a host site so it hosts millions and millions of all types of videos on all types of topics?

Also, you do realise that cable TV is dead?

Your comments on YouTube are hysterical!

Triggers stuck down a dirty south side pub watching bog one and bog two haha

You sound like your Chicago boomer friend

He's a tedious woke or broke, middle class, humanities graduate. He made his name mocking the working class of Limerick and had a novelty single in the charts.

The likes of this tosspot appeal to people whos understanding of politics and history is at best remedial.

If you want a proper insight into the limits of his intellect skim one of his Christmas bukes.

That's some takedown!
i'm listening to adam 'buckles' buxton's ramble book on bbc sounds.


these are my subscribed pods:

1. doughboys. love me my boys.
2. your kickstarter sucks. i have gone off this a bit to be honest.
3. how did this get played? features one half of the doughboys but it's pretty inconsistent.

i've recently stopped listening to 'off menu' with ed gamble and james acaster, ari shaffir's skeptic tank and the doug stanhope podcast. i retain a subscription in case an interesting ep or guest should appear.
Others I'm currently listening to

1 Mens Rea, true crime
2 my favourite murder, true crime comedy
3 your mental breakdown, therapy podcast
4 Dear therapist, another therapy podcast
5. Happy face, more true crime
6. Worst year ever, American politics
7. Behind the bastards, stories of terrible people
8. States of mind, us politics

I'll listen to the odd episode of Sile Seoige's podcast depending on the guest. Same with armchair expert. He has good guests, but Dax Shepherd himself gets on my nerves.
The Night Driver is essential if you're into true crime

The Walkley Award-winning investigative journalist behind The Teacher’s Pet, Hedley Thomas, is back with a brand new podcast, The Night Driver.

Launching on Friday 7 August, the investigative podcast series explores the murder of a young woman in a country town, Bathurst, which then turned on one of its most prominent citizens – its former top detective and deputy mayor – as the suspected killer.

The Night Driver is a story about an obsessive quest of the victim Janine Vaughan’s younger sister, a country music singer and Hunter Valley mum and her remarkable efforts to track down violent suspects, leads, cranks, and cops who might know something.
Pierce Turner
Coughlan's, Douglas St.

17th Oct 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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