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This American Life

There’s an archive of 750 shows on their website

Only an hour in to this one, but this guest is also brilliant. The section on the objective and subjective realities in scientific experiments (which I'm sure I understand at a 7 year olds level) is just mind blowing to me.

Came across these the other day and they're both excellent, and in bite sized chunks that can be listened to while having a cup of tea.

Stoic philosophy rocks.

Edward Frenkel above is also a wonderful listen btw.
Following my rant on the Paul Murohy thread, Harris here, really drills home the piint about how we've built an information super highway but we've no idea how to use it properly, and the dangers of snake oil salesmen like Alex Jones using it to profit themselves while spreading hysteria among the masses.

It's a great listen.
Jackie Fabulous (Americas Got Talent) Plus Guests
City Limits, Coburg St.

5th Oct 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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Dwyers Of Cork, Tomorrow @ 9:30pm

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