That's a good plan. I'd make the Tues sessions 4mins @ 10k pace for maybe 5 secs per slower than an all out 10k, i can't remember your 10k race times but if its 52 mins you can go at 5:15 for 10k , make it 5:20. if this is really close to easy pace youre going to fast easy or too slow in races.
This would be your threshold session. threshold pace is what you can run all out for 60 mins and you'd fall on your face at 60:01. so for 10k in 50 mins its close or maybe a squeeze hard. Depends on how accurate a recent 10k is and if you went balls out in it etc, 1 min recovery should be plenty and give a nice round number for the watch so you can get back in time for rhe young fella.
Thurs i would go longer 4x8mins or maybe 3x10 at HM pace or so or a touch slower. prob 10s per k or so slower than your 10k efforts. 90s recovery is grand. This is tempo. "Comfortably hard", first one feels too easy, last one you know about it
Do a decent 10min warm up and cool down.
Youre right to not use HR primarily on easy runs its grand but very variable. Trust feeling of easy but be strict. Don't worry if an old dear walking her cat passes you just tip away
Thanks El G - much appreciated
You are on the money with the times, I'm 5:08-5:10/km for 10km but thats training as opposed to racing as all races have either been shorter or longer! I would guess that if I decided to do a 10km as fast as I could it would be somewhere around 50:20, if I was in good form I might get it into 50:00 and I'd be panned out. So would 5:05/km be my threshold pace then?
Tuesday - Threshold:
10 minutes warm up,
4 mins @ 5:05/km
1 minute recovery
Repeat x 6,
10 minutes warm down
Thats 50 minutes there
Thursday - Tempo:
10 mins warm up,
10 mins @ 5:10
90 secs jogging
Repeat x 3,
10 mins warm down
53 min session there
Weekend - Long:
12km, 14, 16, 18, 20km @ 5.20/km or something around that, easy running
Does that look about right?
Love the aul wan + cat ref
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