The Munster Rugby Thread 2019/20

2 Scannells with two spanking new contracts. Sweet mother of God its amateur hour stuff. Where are we going as a club ? Those 2 should have been let go if the ambition of the club was anyway serious. They'd have got signed by some club in the French Federale 2 and fine fine.
I think you have to be careful to judge players on the Van Graan era.

The new regime is fundamentally changing skill and fitness levels in the team, with some it's happening quickly, others slowly (and presumably some, not at all...).

Front 5 players were programmed to not be ambitious with their play, under Van Graan, you're a slogger. Undoing that is going to take time, especially as Van Graan is a long way from the only coach that gives that message. My last coach was so shit on this approach, I actually didn't want the ball, because if you passed as a front rower and it didn't work out, you'd get absolutely bollocked out of it. Safest thing was to just run straight as hard as you could until someone stopped you. Which was usually pretty soon...

There's a lot to learn and unlearn, and quite a bit those of us on the outside don't see. They may well be progressing, just slower than others.
Good bloody call.
In other news, RG Snyman expected back in March.

Surgery in April, barbecue explosion in June, should see him in action again for the beginning of the 2024 season.
Hopefully the Saffers aren't that stupid! What am I saying, of course they are. We wish Fekitoa well. Noticeable improvement in performances once it was rumoured they were looking to cut it short. Still need to reinforce the position there, unless they think Farrell is back. Freeing up the cash for Marx?
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