The Action Plan for Housing.

You can't even spell "lose" correctly ffs.
Clearly you've no ambition at all.
The classic "shur it'll do" Paddy attitude.
Get these spoofers out.
51 homes is a tiny tiny %.
How about we pay these scumbag politicians a tiny % of their over inflated salaries for a few years.
Tell them "it can't be solved overnight but by 2030 you should be receiving full pay"
How about they get paid 'performance related wages', they'd go hungry I'd say
You can't even spell "lose" correctly ffs.
Clearly you've no ambition at all.
The classic "shur it'll do" Paddy attitude.
Get these spoofers out.
51 homes is a tiny tiny %.
How about we pay these scumbag politicians a tiny % of their over inflated salaries for a few years.
Tell them "it can't be solved overnight but by 2030 you should be receiving full pay"
Sure, let's do that with social welfare too. "Once you get a job, and retain it for 2 years" we are retroactively going to pay you SW". Or. Once you don't let your child down and don't end up in a hotel in first 3 years of your child's life, we'll give you child benefit in bulk, retroactively....
Every house built is a help, Problem is the increasing population means we will always be playing catch up, even in ten years time,
A change in government might work but the problems with planning, labour shortage, price of materials will still exist,
In the last 20 years many parents would have been ashamed if their son or daughter said they didnt want to go to college but wanted to do a trade instead,
We are now seeing the results of this, Truth be told the recent governments took their eye off the ball on housing and now it is a runaway train,
Bang on there Jimmy 👏

I was speaking to someone this morning, he was recently doing a safepass course, one of those ones that are open to all.
The trainer started out and asked were there any apprentice's in the room, 1 guy put his hand

The trainer then remarked that it was months since they last had an apprentice at safepass training.

The average age on a lot of sites is now 50 and these are well paid jobs.
Kids these days do not want to do the hard graft anymore and that is a fact.

Just regarding your own post, let's not forget here the source here of this housing problem, that is Nama.
They managed to shut down and to liquidate practically every house construction company that was operating in this country back there in the bad days of the last recession.
You can't even spell "lose" correctly ffs.
Clearly you've no ambition at all.
The classic "shur it'll do" Paddy attitude.
Get these spoofers out.
51 homes is a tiny tiny %.
How about we pay these scumbag politicians a tiny % of their over inflated salaries for a few years.
Tell them "it can't be solved overnight but by 2030 you should be receiving full pay"
Politicians are civil servants and how will even you attract people to leglislate and make laws if you simply pay them a pittance?

This is almost right up there with your "Just make all houses just cost €200k" stupid idea.
The average age on a lot of sites is now 50 and these are well paid jobs.
Kids these days do not want to do the hard graft anymore and that is a fact.

Just regarding your own post, let's not forget here the source here of this housing problem, that is Nama.
They managed to shut down and to liquidate practically every house construction company that was operating in this country back there in the bad days of the last recession.

Good post.

On the bolded bit it’s not so much that kids don’t want to do the hard graft. It’s more to do with parents outright not allowing them to do trades.

3rd level is cheap and easily attainable. Obviously a good thing. Any youngfella getting 300+ points in the leaving are going to college. I’ve a few with me who never wanted to go to 3rd level and only did so to satisfy parents. Dropped out after a year.

It might be a little bit of snobbery towards the trades but also the mass emigration of young men due to the construction collapse is still very fresh in the memory.

Construction should never have been halted. Michael O’ Flynn called it a decade ago that there would be a housing crisis down the line and was laughed at.

We could have built thousands of social houses while the private market recovered, kept young lads in the country and prevented the shit show we are currently dealing with.
Good post.

On the bolded bit it’s not so much that kids don’t want to do the hard graft. It’s more to do with parents outright not allowing them to do trades.

3rd level is cheap and easily attainable. Obviously a good thing. Any youngfella getting 300+ points in the leaving are going to college. I’ve a few with me who never wanted to go to 3rd level and only did so to satisfy parents. Dropped out after a year.

It might be a little bit of snobbery towards the trades but also the mass emigration of young men due to the construction collapse is still very fresh in the memory.

Construction should never have been halted. Michael O’ Flynn called it a decade ago that there would be a housing crisis down the line and was laughed at.

We could have built thousands of social houses while the private market recovered, kept young lads in the country and prevented the shit show we are currently dealing with.
The government were warned in 2014 to ramp up building.
As far back as 2017 Fr McVerry wanted the housing crisis declared a national emergency.
That lowlife Coveney promised in the same year there'd be nobody in emergency accommodation by July 2017.
We have 13,000, including 4000 children.
This government should be in prison.
Non stop lies.
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