The Action Plan for Housing.

51 new cost rental homes announced for Cork, and how does social media react?

Moan moan moan.

Not enough, people don't want to rent, nobody elected this government etc.

Like you just can't win. I'd have thought that any increase in housing supply would be welcomed, especially cost rental. But nah. Why bother building 51, sure we may as well just build nothing right?

People seem to think you can press a button and up pop a few thousand houses. Don't worry about the labour, building materials, weather, costs, planning delays etc.
51 homes😂😂😂.
For fuck sake, Troy "forgot" he had more homes than that.
14 years in government and we should be celebrating 51 fucking houses when we've twice that many alone in tents on a street in our capital city.
People moaning are usually the ones that worked very little in their lives and have no idea how much planning and work goes to build just 1 house. People who went self build route to build a house on their land know very well how much time and nerves it takes to build a house. You age 3x faster and loose all your hair, not to mention mental health and stress.
You can't even spell "lose" correctly ffs.
Clearly you've no ambition at all.
The classic "shur it'll do" Paddy attitude.
Get these spoofers out.
51 homes is a tiny tiny %.
How about we pay these scumbag politicians a tiny % of their over inflated salaries for a few years.
Tell them "it can't be solved overnight but by 2030 you should be receiving full pay"
Every house built is a help, Problem is the increasing population means we will always be playing catch up, even in ten years time,
A change in government might work but the problems with planning, labour shortage, price of materials will still exist,
In the last 20 years many parents would have been ashamed if their son or daughter said they didnt want to go to college but wanted to do a trade instead,
We are now seeing the results of this, Truth be told the recent governments took their eye off the ball on housing and now it is a runaway train,
Exactly, We all know 51 isnt enough but every new build helps, We have politicians objecting to developments from all parties,
And an incompetent government who have made a bollocks of it since 2012. Ye never point that out though jimmy, and act like SF are just as responsible as FG for it

They're not. Not even close.
Nowhere. Ye criticised people who said that though.

That's what I was responding to.

Sorry MOE, I never give people credit for doing the bare minimum. Especially FFG.

Yes I find it really frustrating when people try and find fault in any bit of positive news.

Is 51 new houses a good thing? Yes

Is it enough? No, but nobody is claiming it is

So maybe people could try focusing on positives instead of automatically focusing on negatives?

It's almost like people don't see the difference between 0 houses being built and 51 houses being built. If it's not "enough", then it's meaningless to them.
Yes I find it really frustrating when people try and find fault in any bit of positive news.

Is 51 new houses a good thing? Yes

Is it enough? No, but nobody is claiming it is

So maybe people could try focusing on positives instead of automatically focusing on negatives?

It's almost like people don't see the difference between 0 houses being built and 51 houses being built. If it's not "enough", then it's meaningless to them.
Na I'd say keep the pressure on them.

Always. They've earned it.
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