The Action Plan for Housing.

Good post.

On the bolded bit it’s not so much that kids don’t want to do the hard graft. It’s more to do with parents outright not allowing them to do trades.

3rd level is cheap and easily attainable. Obviously a good thing. Any youngfella getting 300+ points in the leaving are going to college. I’ve a few with me who never wanted to go to 3rd level and only did so to satisfy parents. Dropped out after a year.

It might be a little bit of snobbery towards the trades but also the mass emigration of young men due to the construction collapse is still very fresh in the memory.

Construction should never have been halted. Michael O’ Flynn called it a decade ago that there would be a housing crisis down the line and was laughed at.

We could have built thousands of social houses while the private market recovered, kept young lads in the country and prevented the shit show we are currently dealing with.
I had a couple of guys here doing some electrical work for me, both are last year of their apprenticeship. They walked out of my house with €200 each, for 4 hours work. That was BTW cheap, I got quotes near to 2 grand from "proper" electricians. Their father followed the next day and certified their work. Loved it!
Which laws would you you use to convict and imprison the entire Government?

The law of gravity?

We are not in one of the many truly rubbish countries that Sinn Fein loves that just sends members of parliament to prison on a whim
On a whim?
Promised nobody would be in emergency accommodation by July 2017 ❌.
Promised no child would wait longer than 4 months for scoliosis operations❌
Promised a new Children's Hospital would be open by 2022❌.
Promised to abolish the USC ❌.
Longest lockdown on the planet during Covid☑️.
Killed a homeless man by moving his tent with a digger while he was inside it☑️
Homelessness has gone from 1000 to 13000☑️
Billions spent housing refugees but wouldn't help Irish homeless as the crisis couldn't be solved overnight ☑️.
Leaked documents☑️
Claimed the banks weren't bailed out ☑️
Boasted about being the only government in history to bring in an eviction ban ☑️
On a whim?
On a whim?
Promised nobody would be in emergency accommodation by July 2017 ❌.
Promised no child would wait longer than 4 months for scoliosis operations❌
Promised a new Children's Hospital would be open by 2022❌.
Promised to abolish the USC ❌.
Longest lockdown on the planet during Covid☑️.
Killed a homeless man by moving his tent with a digger while he was inside it☑️
Homelessness has gone from 1000 to 13000☑️
Billions spent housing refugees but wouldn't help Irish homeless as the crisis couldn't be solved overnight ☑️.
Leaked documents☑️
Claimed the banks weren't bailed out ☑️
Boasted about being the only government in history to bring in an eviction ban ☑️
On a whim?
Which laws would you you use to convict and imprison the entire Government?
Don't expect a logical answer to that, I have already advised that poster that he needs to have a chat with his GP about the state of his mental health
He is only a confused racist crackpot and a hazard to himself.

Luckily the INTERNET gives him an outlet to vent his demented spleen so luckily he is safely off the streets.

350 years ago he would have just been simply burnt as a witch.
He is only a confused racist crackpot and a hazard to himself.

Luckily the INTERNET gives him an outlet to vent his demented spleen so luckily he is safely off the streets.

350 years ago he would have just been simply burnt as a witch.
Talking about a homeless crisis makes me a racist? 😂😂😂
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