If it's not passed in the next fortnight the minister appoints an administrator to run the Council's finances.
It's an embarrassment and you'd worry for the reputation of the City as a place for investment as a result. I was actually someone prepared to give Sinn Fein a chance a while back but would be scared to death at the prospect of them getting any power after seeing how they can't manage at local level. They clearly have no economic policy other than promise every to everyone and hope someone else pays for it, be it British or Irish government.
Local Councils in Ireland are some of easiest to run in Europe and they can't even manage that.
All you have to do is look at how they've managed to fuck up the NI budget.
It's costing the six counties millions.
NI Sinn Fein don't seem to be on the same page as RoI Sinn Fein. LOL
Stormont austerity, but Cork Sinn Fein councillors vote against budget cuts
Less than three weeks after passing an austerity budget at Stormont, Sinn Fein councillors in Cork have pushed the city council to the brink of dissolution by refusing to vote for a budget containing cuts to services.
Three weeks ago the votes of Sinn Fein and the DUP secured the passage of the budget through the Executive and then through the Assembly, despite significant cuts to most departmental budgets which will affect everything from universities to road repairs.
Adopting a pragmatic approach at Stormont, Martin McGuinness said that the budget was “the best deal possible in the circumstances”.
He added: “Anybody that tells you different is living in a fantasy world.”
But in Cork, Sinn Fein has adopted a tough stance against budget cuts from central government in Dublin.
On Monday night, the council twice voted against a proposed budget by 15 votes to 14. Sinn Fein has eight members of the council. The council now has two weeks to agree a budget or face being dissolved and its affairs taken over by the Dublin Environment Minister.
Cork North East Sinn Fein councillor Stephen Cunningham said that the vote demonstrated that the party was “sticking to our word”. He added: “We will not pass an austerity budget.”
Anti-capitalist umbrella group the Anti-Austerity Alliance, which has three members of the council, said that it “cannot and will not vote for this budget or any slightly modified version of it.
“We will not vote for any budget which includes cuts and other austerity measures.”
It added that local people would not tolerate “14-day heroes” – councillors who voted against the budget this week but then “turn tail and vote for a similar budget within a fortnight”.