Sinn Fein can govern Ireland .

So easy . All they have to do is - clear the Party of all the dinosaurs like Adams , Mc Guinness and any former I.R.A. members and start afresh with a younger genration of reasonable members . Apologise unconditionally for any association they may have had with paramilitaries or illegal organisation ( if they had any .)
Renounce their intention to aim for a Unified Ireland , and state that they will strive to improve relationships between North and South to achieve a situation where people over the whole island will want an acceptable unity .And then announce a long term plan on achieving a healthy and wealthy land to live in .
Simple , isn't it .
So easy- time to end the caveman tribal sheeeite which haunts the whole island .
So easy . All they have to do is - clear the Party of all the dinosaurs like Adams , Mc Guinness and any former I.R.A. members and start afresh with a younger genration of reasonable members . Apologise unconditionally for any association they may have had with paramilitaries or illegal organisation ( if they had any .)
Renounce their intention to aim for a Unified Ireland , and state that they will strive to improve relationships between North and South to achieve a situation where people over the whole island will want an acceptable unity .And then announce a long term plan on achieving a healthy and wealthy land to live in .
Simple , isn't it .
So easy- time to end the caveman tribal sheeeite which haunts the whole island .

Rev-y not being smart but did this warrant another thread title ? Could you not have made these comments in anyone of the million SF threads in both the LF or CAF. The forum is getting a bit done death in SF threads at this stage - Just saying like.
And change their name to Fine Gael? Sinn Fein will govern if they get enough votes and it seems to me that the media and political establishment are afraid they might do just that.
Admin - ffs, this is the fourth thread about this or SF related dross at the top of the board. please .. please ... get rid of them!

It's like stepping back into the 70's. I'm beginning to wear flares.
So easy . All they have to do is - clear the Party of all the dinosaurs like Adams , Mc Guinness and any former I.R.A. members and start afresh with a younger genration of reasonable members . Apologise unconditionally for any association they may have had with paramilitaries or illegal organisation ( if they had any .)
Renounce their intention to aim for a Unified Ireland , and state that they will strive to improve relationships between North and South to achieve a situation where people over the whole island will want an acceptable unity .And then announce a long term plan on achieving a healthy and wealthy land to live in .
Simple , isn't it .
So easy- time to end the caveman tribal sheeeite which haunts the whole island .

Wouldn't that be like asking the DUP to renounce their core principle of maintaining the Union?
Rev-y not being smart but did this warrant another thread title ? Could you not have made these comments in anyone of the million SF threads in both the LF or CAF. The forum is getting a bit done death in SF threads at this stage - Just saying like.

Just an observation but the Shinners must now have replaced Islam threads in terms of popularity on this forum.

Admin - ffs, this is the fourth thread about this or SF related dross at the top of the board. please .. please ... get rid of them!

It's like stepping back into the 70's. I'm beginning to wear flares.

Rev-y not being smart but did this warrant another thread title ? Could you not have made these comments in anyone of the million SF threads in both the LF or CAF. The forum is getting a bit done death in SF threads at this stage - Just saying like.

Yes, it is a fair and fresh take on the subject .
sinn fein is taking over.

get used to it.

Cork Pride: Party At The Port
Kennedy Quay, Cork City

4th Aug 2024 @ 3:00 pm
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Ruben Berrios Septet

Coughlan's, Tomorrow @ 7:30pm

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