Trump had a binary choice in the election win and all of his problems would be solved or lose and face jail and financial ruinBet Trump said there would be peace there by the end of January.
Yes but the intelligent members of his administration recognise that the real threat is China.Going to be difficult to persuade Trump to move in the right direction especially as his starting position is having deep admiration for dictators and autocrats.
Bill Browder (now Sir William, well deserved) suggests that if Trump withdraws support, then we should confiscate the frozen Billions and purchase the munitions and equipment
Bo Jo would have done it in a heart beat.
Keep the pressure on the genocidal scum for another year and the Orcs will implode.
Big lesson then for Xi Zing Pin
Interesting that Zelensky has now indicated that Ua would not insist on the return of occupied territory for now provided the rest of Ua is allowed join NATO.
TrueBluff. NATO will not invite any country which is in the conflict and with unregulated border status.