Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

Some longer video from Ukrainians. Wonder why orcs can only post fakes like the one where apparently russians, wearing Ukrainian uniforms and driving jeep with German call sings on is killing family in DNL... straigh away it was geolocated to be filmed behind russian lines on occupied area and absolute fake.

This is not a fake below, some of parts were already seen:


Yes, so russia defo should be allowed to start in Olympics!

last I checked due to russian aggression on Ukraine died more than 400 sportsmen and women from Ukraine and coaches plus many injured.


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Countries like Thailand and other places that accept Russian tourists should be boycotted by right thinking people.
That's a very interesting point, Drucker.

Many people in the West are disappointed to see countries like India and others in SE Asia including Thailand appearing to be totally indifferent to the genocide inflicted by Ru on an innocent independent nation.

Western Leaders accept that a total ban on Ru oil & gas could not work. Taking a huge supplier from the market would cause a world wide recession (due to massive price increase)

The cap of Ru oil price late last year was the perfect solution and this is having a devastating impact on the Ru economy (admitted recently by Putin)

Countries like Dubai and Thailand are seeing big revenue from the Ru elites and upper middle class. It's a big ask to expect these nations to turn down this revenue to support the West and Ua. NATO tolerate Turkey's refusal to sanction Ru and it's gerrymandering on Sweden's application, because of it's control of the Bosphorus Straits - that's political expediency.

China has gained massive global influence through it's belt and road program - investing and lending to poorer nations. It has huge influence in Thailand.

The West - US, NATO, EU, Southern Hemisphere strong democracies have finally woken up and smelled the coffee. Once Ru is defeated, we are going to see, IMO, an expansion of the Ramstein Military Alliance into a Geo Political/Economic loose alliance with the aims of countering the influence and threat to a rules based world order - by PRC/Ru and their allies.

Hopefully Trump will fail in his bid to return as POTUS and then the MAGA wingnut, isolationist, right wing movement in US will fade away as will it's Crooked Champion, Trump
That's a very interesting point, Drucker.

Many people in the West are disappointed to see countries like India and others in SE Asia including Thailand appearing to be totally indifferent to the genocide inflicted by Ru on an innocent independent nation.

Western Leaders accept that a total ban on Ru oil & gas could not work. Taking a huge supplier from the market would cause a world wide recession (due to massive price increase)

The cap of Ru oil price late last year was the perfect solution and this is having a devastating impact on the Ru economy (admitted recently by Putin)

Countries like Dubai and Thailand are seeing big revenue from the Ru elites and upper middle class. It's a big ask to expect these nations to turn down this revenue to support the West and Ua. NATO tolerate Turkey's refusal to sanction Ru and it's gerrymandering on Sweden's application, because of it's control of the Bosphorus Straits - that's political expediency.

China has gained massive global influence through it's belt and road program - investing and lending to poorer nations. It has huge influence in Thailand.

The West - US, NATO, EU, Southern Hemisphere strong democracies have finally woken up and smelled the coffee. Once Ru is defeated, we are going to see, IMO, an expansion of the Ramstein Military Alliance into a Geo Political/Economic loose alliance with the aims of countering the influence and threat to a rules based world order - by PRC/Ru and their allies.

Hopefully Trump will fail in his bid to return as POTUS and then the MAGA wingnut, isolationist, right wing movement in US will fade away as will it's Crooked Champion, Trump
Russia is selling its petroleum at below cost discounts and trying to spend the proceeds on their rotten military. They’re screwed. Little to no internal development at a time that they need much more.
Trump could be erased soviet style and it wouldn't put a dent in the US wing nut movement. The genie's out of the bottle
I agree with you that these head bangers will be around for the medium term but once Trump goes, their influence on mainstream US politics will fade IMO

Trump is an enigma and the GOP are afraid to alienate his base. I don't see another figure emerge for the Trump base to latch on to
Russia is selling its petroleum at below cost discounts and trying to spend the proceeds on their rotten military. They’re screwed. Little to no internal development at a time that they need much more.
100% correct

The oil price cap was ingenious. We figured out how to use our control of shipping and insurance.

Ru's costs in exploiting its hydro carbon reserves is crazy and getting worse due to sanctions.

The budget deficit is horrific. The West can smell blood.

The missiles to Belarus is pure desperation.

The leaked tel call shows what the elites really think. - This stupid clown has fucked things for everyone with no end in sight

This Sick State will implode and in doing so will deliver a salutary lesson to that horrible monster Xi
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Ru's costs in exploiting its hydro carbon reserves is crazy and getting worse due to sanctions.

and we need to remember that:

- orcs due to sanctions also do not have technology to replace used and worn pieces of the installation
- the easy to access fields are going to deplete soon
- they do not have actual power/means to transfer the oil and gas over to China and India to replenish loses due to losing European (the most profitable, stable and large) market in fast enough manner
- even when shifting the flow of those, the price is ridiculous comparing to what they were getting from Europe. And they will never get back to business as usual.
- being dependent on selling oil and gas to China is a different thing than selling it to Europe. putler already kneeled in front of Winnie the Pooh ;) orcs are back to their roots, being governed by Asian nations where their place is.

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