Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

Some update from Ukrainians on tank deliveries to Ukraine:

The Poles are shaming the rest with their delivery
They have been beaten. It's just that they have yet to run out of museum equipment, so's to underline the point. Meanwhile, back on the ranch: "we will take Kiev in three days", Sergei Shoigu. "It's no secret that this operation is going to be over in mere hours", the late Lieutenant General Yakov Rezantsev. "If I wanted, in two days I could have Russian troops not only in Kyiv but also in Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, Warsaw and Bucharest.", Vladimir Vladimorovich Putin, reported in Suddeutsche Zeitung. Two days!! This 'special operation' of "mere hours" has taken 1 year, 1 month, 5 days or 398 days, or 9,552 hours.
They have been beaten. It's just that they have yet to run out of museum equipment, so's to underline the point. Meanwhile, back on the ranch: "we will take Kiev in three days", Sergei Shoigu. "It's no secret that this operation is going to be over in mere hours", the late Lieutenant General Yakov Rezantsev. "If I wanted, in two days I could have Russian troops not only in Kyiv but also in Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, Warsaw and Bucharest.", Vladimir Vladimorovich Putin, reported in Suddeutsche Zeitung. Two days!! This 'special operation' of "mere hours" has taken 1 year, 1 month, 5 days or 398 days, or 9,552 hours.

He's got thousands of troops in Tbilisi

DW News:

Some 100,000 Russian deserters have fled to Georgia so far. The nation maintains very close, but also rather strained relations with its neighbor – after all the most recent war with Russia wasn’t that long ago. Just how welcome are the deserting Russians? How are they faring in a foreign country after an often-risky journey out of Russia? How are they getting along with the Ukrainian refugees also accepted in large numbers by Georgia?


:lol!: :lol!:
A friend of mine is just back from a family holiday in Phuket, Thailand. He said that the only negative of his holiday was the huge amount of Russian Holiday Makers there. These weren't people fleeing the draft but wealthy middle class Muscovites enjoying some winter sunshine whilst their army was murdering thousands of innocent Ukrainians.

These are people that must know what's really going on yet they choose to turn a blind eye to it.

I appreciate that you can't tar all Russians with the same brush but so many of them just don't care about the genocide and destruction being caused by their nation.
The UK hasn't delivered any tanks yet? Can that be true?
They've been beating their chests about how strong their support has been.
Those are on the way apparently. This infographic is showing delivered already machines, the ones which are in Ukraine already.

There are some not clear entries there, like for example Czechs have sent some of their machines already, but those were transferred by third party etc.

The large number of former Soviet block machines is because of three reasons. Those are ready for now, there is almost no need for training of crews, there is infrastructure in pace already.

Those are not the best in NATO standards, but quite good in russian standards.
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There is a lot of comment from ex military men, on the Western Media about the ineptitude of the Russian Army. The constant theme seems to be that Ru lacks the ability to employ its forces in the most effective manner with good command and control tactics. It's suggested that it can only perform its traditional style of warfare with massive artillery bombardment followed by wave after wave of infantry attacks - almost a throwback to WW1 tactics. They are saying that Ua faces an enormous challenge of getting all of the components right for a large scale spring offensive. Ua will probably engage in deception tactics again - it seems as if it is trying to tie down a lot of Ru forces in the Donbas area. However the most likely area is in the South as a threat to Crimea is the most likely way to force Putin to the negotiating table. Apparently Ua needs good ground conditions to punch through with armoured formations - it looks like May might be the start. This offensive might be defining for Ua but also for whether we in the West can retain our rules based world order. Make no mistake - the alliance of the two main autocratic dictator regimes PRC & Ru are hell bent on undermining our values and aspirations for world order. IMO - We in the West must make a fundamental reappraisal of how we interact politically and economically with this huge threat going forward. The EU, NATO and strong democracies in the Southern Hemisphere must learn form our mistakes since 2008 and appreciate that a proble will not go away just because we hope it will. Our leaders have failed to get the message out there in a forceful manner and if Trump is finally banished into irrelevance - then the job of getting the message across must begin in earnest.
A friend of mine is just back from a family holiday in Phuket, Thailand. He said that the only negative of his holiday was the huge amount of Russian Holiday Makers there. These weren't people fleeing the draft but wealthy middle class Muscovites enjoying some winter sunshine whilst their army was murdering thousands of innocent Ukrainians.

These are people that must know what's really going on yet they choose to turn a blind eye to it.

I appreciate that you can't tar all Russians with the same brush but so many of them just don't care about the genocide and destruction being caused by their nation.
Countries like Thailand and other places that accept Russian tourists should be boycotted by right thinking people.
John Murry
Coughlan's, Douglas St.

17th Nov 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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