Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

Start another thread about that if you're that interested in those lads. This thread is about murdering, genocidal Russian c"nts and their war of aggression against a European country. You f"ing pitiful sap

Hate to break it to you but the invasion of Iraq was a supreme act of aggression and it is a bit rich to be singling out Russia for arrest when the architects of that war got off free.
Xi is visiting Moscow in the next few days. I'd be very sceptical of Xi's intentions here. However, the West must play the long game with China. It must deal with Russia/Putin first and then develop a clear policy towards China.

We have seen clearly the downside of trading with Rogue States - it builds their economic strength and allows them to build their military strength and push their agenda of a new world order that's diametrically opposed to our rules based model. Our future policy must factor in the huge importance of trade IMO

I've been thinking about Ron DiSantis comments on US Foreign Policy. I think we must understand his position here. He's the front runner with Trump for the GOP Nomination.

Trump will use every lie and populist tactic in the book. DiSantis can't allow Trump use foreign policy to add to his base. Even though his comments are worrying, we have to look at the bigger picture here. I don't think he had any other choice in this. When you are in a fight with a gutter snipe, you can't apply the Queensbury Rules. The best way to stop Trump is to defeat him in the nomination race. That's key for US and world interests.
Xi is visiting Moscow in the next few days. I'd be very sceptical of Xi's intentions here. However, the West must play the long game with China. It must deal with Russia/Putin first and then develop a clear policy towards China.

We have seen clearly the downside of trading with Rogue States - it builds their economic strength and allows them to build their military strength and push their agenda of a new world order that's diametrically opposed to our rules based model. Our future policy must factor in the huge importance of trade IMO

I've been thinking about Ron DiSantis comments on US Foreign Policy. I think we must understand his position here. He's the front runner with Trump for the GOP Nomination.

Trump will use every lie and populist tactic in the book. DiSantis can't allow Trump use foreign policy to add to his base. Even though his comments are worrying, we have to look at the bigger picture here. I don't think he had any other choice in this. When you are in a fight with a gutter snipe, you can't apply the Queensbury Rules. The best way to stop Trump is to defeat him in the nomination race. That's key for US and world interests.
If Trump loses the nom, he will try to sabotage the winner, which would be good. If he wins, it will be uphill for him, because 1) he’s likely to get indicted for one of several things (note that I said indicted, not convicted), 2) his Boomer hardcore base is shrinking, 3) more people are fed up with him, and 4) much of the Republican Party does not like how wingnut the rest of them are. So him winning the nom won’t necessarily be bad.

I could see DeSantis running with him as VP, counting on Trump being removed by death or the law at some point.

DeSantis just wants the job, and he’s cynical enough to do or say what he thinks he has to in order to get it. But policy wise, the Republicans are in much the same boat as Trump is himself.

DeSantis’ position on Russia is just this week’s pander to wingnut isolationists.
If Trump loses the nom, he will try to sabotage the winner, which would be good. If he wins, it will be uphill for him, because 1) he’s likely to get indicted for one of several things (note that I said indicted, not convicted), 2) his Boomer hardcore base is shrinking, 3) more people are fed up with him, and 4) much of the Republican Party does not like how wingnut the rest of them are. So him winning the nom won’t necessarily be bad.

I could see DeSantis running with him as VP, counting on Trump being removed by death or the law at some point.

DeSantis just wants the job, and he’s cynical enough to do or say what he thinks he has to in order to get it. But policy wise, the Republicans are in much the same boat as Trump is himself.

DeSantis’ position on Russia is just this week’s pander to wingnut isolationists.
As both are resident in Florida they cannot run on the same ticket unless one relocates which is highly unlikely.
From an interview with P. Hofmański, president of the ICC:

Q: Russia says it doesn't recognize the ICC. She signed the Rome Statute but never ratified it. What does this mean for Putin?

Piotr Hofmański, president of the International Criminal Court, replied: "It is completely irrelevant [the fact that Russia has not ratified the Rome Statute]. According to the statute of the ICC, which has 123 state parties, or two-thirds of the entire international community, the court has jurisdiction over crimes committed on the territory of a state party or a state that accepted its jurisdiction. Ukraine has accepted the ICC twice - in 2014 and then in 2015.

Forty-three countries have referred the situation in Ukraine to the tribunal, which means that they have formally launched our jurisdiction. The Tribunal has jurisdiction over crimes committed against anyone in Ukraine since November 2013, regardless of the nationality of the alleged perpetrators."
If Trump loses the nom, he will try to sabotage the winner, which would be good. If he wins, it will be uphill for him, because 1) he’s likely to get indicted for one of several things (note that I said indicted, not convicted), 2) his Boomer hardcore base is shrinking, 3) more people are fed up with him, and 4) much of the Republican Party does not like how wingnut the rest of them are. So him winning the nom won’t necessarily be bad.

I could see DeSantis running with him as VP, counting on Trump being removed by death or the law at some point.

DeSantis just wants the job, and he’s cynical enough to do or say what he thinks he has to in order to get it. But policy wise, the Republicans are in much the same boat as Trump is himself.

DeSantis’ position on Russia is just this week’s pander to wingnut isolationists.

Good points Doc.

I'm not a fan of DeSantis and I get what you're saying that he will adopt pretty much any policies that will get him elected.

I also see your point about Trump getting the GOP Nom as not necessarily being a bad thing. Trump has turned into a serial loser and the GOP's pathetic showing in the mid terms can be largely attributed to the Trump Effect.

Trump's politicising the war in Ukraine is pathetic but that's what you expect from a lowlife like him, at this stage.

I do think that DeSantis showed some street smarts by refusing to let Trump use the WW3/MAGA/Isolationist/Right Nutwing element to steal a march in the GOP Nom race.

I hope you are right about one indictment - The Manhattan DA - Alvin Bragg is an incredible guy and looks like he has the balls to take on Trump
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