Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

Damaged with Samuel L Jackson and Capaldi.
Cops hunting a serial killer. Thought acting was meh to be honest - apart from Jackson. Overall yarn wasn’t too bad but….

the gathering storm

albert finney plays churchill better than oldman did for an oscar. plenty of stuff that probably never happened.

started watching into the storm after it. gleeson does a shit churchill.
Downfall, the last days of Hitler and the war in Berlin. I was never a big fan of war films but this came on channel 4 one night nearly 20 years ago and I watched it.

It was magnificent. Just watched it again now for the first time since.

it’s brilliant! i know you’ve posted about nazi stuff here in the last few months. have a crack at the “real dictators” podcast. they end up doing a deep dive on hitler. general consensus was about how he was just voted in is incorrect. the fella was on the run for a long while.

looking forward to the gerry adams episodes.

If you're not a fan of all things arachnid, you might want to give this one a miss. Charlotte is a 12-year-old girl living with her mother, brother and stepfather in South Brooklyn, during a winter storm a small meteorite crashes into the house and out pops this spider looking creature.

Charlotte finds it and places it in a glass jar and begins to feed it, within a few hours 'Sting', as she calls the creature, grows very quickly and begins to develop a taste for some bigger prey. It wasn't bad as low budget horror/monster movies go, so a decent
the gathering storm

albert finney plays churchill better than oldman did for an oscar. plenty of stuff that probably never happened.

started watching into the storm after it. gleeson does a shit churchill.
yeah, the Gleeson one was awful

Finney's Churchill was tremendous
it’s brilliant! i know you’ve posted about nazi stuff here in the last few months. have a crack at the “real dictators” podcast. they end up doing a deep dive on hitler. general consensus was about how he was just voted in is incorrect. the fella was on the run for a long while.

looking forward to the gerry adams episodes.
Brilliant film alright🙂
Perry Wild & Ivy Favier
The Roundy, Castle St.

19th Feb 2025 @ 7:30 pm
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DJ Jus Me (Crystal Bar)

Crane Lane Theatre, Tomorrow @ 11pm

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