Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

Back to Black 7.5/10.

Not usually a fan of music biopics but this has good performances, plenty of music and a story.

They seemed to keep true to actual events and also had fine attention to detail - I assume they used CGI to take out the tooth that Amy Winehouse lost.

The angle they took was interesting, focusing on the relationship with Blake Fielder. I had thought from watching the documentary that he was shallow and vain but they painted a more sympathetic portrait of him.
Black Flies, 6/10. NY paramedics night shift .Deserved more but probably the most grindingly depressing filum I've seen in years.
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In a similarish vein watched look who's talking recently. Kirstie alley is terrific in it, she has that sort of unforced comedic timing - a natural i guess. A good watch for 80s new york scenes, central park etc. Not everything works but a fine slice of nostalgia with a few laughs along the way. 7/10
rewatched gump. i enjoyed it the first time i saw it way back when and found it much too schmaltzy when i gave it another go about 10 years ago.

this time i enjoyed it. you have to get over the low IQ thing but if you can it's an engaging and fun watch with the slices of Americana but it's in a lot of ways a sad and melancholic movie.

terrific performances from hanks and robin wright penn.

Plague Dogs (1982). Classic not for kids animation from the same makers as Watership Down and also based on a Douglas Adams novel. Its basically as if that 80s PSA with Bonzo the sheep killing dog was made into a feature. 8/10

It's talking dogs - I know, I know - not the kind of film one over the age of 12 would usually watch. I'm told that it's by the same guys that made the film Ted and is just as irreverent - think it's got a 15+ cert. Watched it with my missus and we had a couple of right belly-laughs at some of it.

Boy Kills World

This was a bit of a surprise, think of a mix between The Hunger Games, a bit of John Wick, add some Running Man and a bit of The Purge to spice things up. The boy of the film watches his mother and sister get killed by Hilda Van Der Coy, whose family rules over the city, and it leaves him deaf and dumb. He's picked up by the mysterious Shaman who trains him to become an "instrument of death" to avenge his family.

Plenty of action fight scenes and a few gruesome deaths later, a slight 'twist' is revealed about 30 minutes before the movie ends, you may or may not seeing it coming, overall, I'd say a
3/5 just for the action sequences and fight choreography.
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