If you're not a fan of all things arachnid, you might want to give this one a miss. Charlotte is a 12-year-old girl living with her mother, brother and stepfather in South Brooklyn, during a winter storm a small meteorite crashes into the house and out pops this spider looking creature.
Charlotte finds it and places it in a glass jar and begins to feed it, within a few hours 'Sting', as she calls the creature, grows very quickly and begins to develop a taste for some bigger prey. It wasn't bad as low budget horror/monster movies go, so a decent 3/5
Moved this from the TV series thread where I posted it by mistake
Based in 1950s London, a souless bowler hatted and suitless automaton gets a terminal diagnosis which brings about an awakening.
Over emotional and even maudilin, I still found the simple story enjoyable. Bill Nightly plays the main character to perfection.