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rebel moon 2


not one redeeming quality in it, horrific music, mad clunky script, appalling acting

snyder must be laughing all the way to the bank with netflix's cash
Moved this from the TV series thread where I posted it by mistake

Based in 1950s London, a souless bowler hatted and suitless automaton gets a terminal diagnosis which brings about an awakening.
Over emotional and even maudilin, I still found the simple story enjoyable. Bill Nightly plays the main character to perfection.

If you're not a fan of all things arachnid, you might want to give this one a miss. Charlotte is a 12-year-old girl living with her mother, brother and stepfather in South Brooklyn, during a winter storm a small meteorite crashes into the house and out pops this spider looking creature.

Charlotte finds it and places it in a glass jar and begins to feed it, within a few hours 'Sting', as she calls the creature, grows very quickly and begins to develop a taste for some bigger prey. It wasn't bad as low budget horror/monster movies go, so a decent

Every equation needs balancing.

Spaceman.... Has a nice, comforting spider.

Moved this from the TV series thread where I posted it by mistake

Based in 1950s London, a souless bowler hatted and suitless automaton gets a terminal diagnosis which brings about an awakening.
Over emotional and even maudilin, I still found the simple story enjoyable. Bill Nightly plays the main character to perfection.

i’d have watched it for that alone.

A slightly above average 'demonic possession' movie starts with Rick Petroni off to fight the baddies in Afghanistan, when his squad encounter some locals and want to check out a nearby cave for any rebels Rick volunteers to search it, against the protests of the locals saying nobody ever goes in there.

Cue, Rick entering said cave and encountering an entity who possesses him, he gets sent home with reported PTSD and then the fun begins, wasn't too bad as possession movies go, let's go
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