pj coogan show

Neilox had Tommy G on - Tommy waffling on about doing work with some community groups in Ballyfermot.
Neilox interjects "why as a Cork North Central rep are you wasting time in Ballyfermot, when you should be engaging with your constituents".

You wouldn't hear Tommy getting that line of questioning on Peej!!
Did Tommy reply to Neils question?
Peej was talking in awed terms of new PM's Liz Truss' spending plans a couple of weeks ago and how they made predicted Irish plans look so tame and that Pearse Doherty wanted us to match UK per capita. Peej might be having second thoughts about that now, looking at what's happening over in Blighty!!
The Complete Stone Roses
The Oliver Plunkett, Oliver Plunkett St.

1st Aug 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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DJ Mystic Gold

The Old Town Whiskey Bar at Bodega, Today @ 9pm

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