Same here - loved the ex pat life for most of my 20s and 30s but wouldn't consider anywhere else for my mid life and dotage. Had offers to stay in Cork or move to Dumpland (as if) but always knew I'd head abroad for a spell.
A high percentage of young Irish professionals with skills and qualifications that transfer across international boundaries will always look to spend a few years in Oz, London or USA, etc no matter what opportunities or conditions are like here.
Likewise London, Shanghai and Singapore are chock full of Aussies and Kiwis spending a few years away from home.
Doesn't make good reading for the usual suspects but Ireland ranks very highly in terms of quality of life.
Instead of the usual moanfest Peej, bring in Tommy or Mick to talk about this from couple of days ago.
A high percentage of young Irish professionals with skills and qualifications that transfer across international boundaries will always look to spend a few years in Oz, London or USA, etc no matter what opportunities or conditions are like here.
Likewise London, Shanghai and Singapore are chock full of Aussies and Kiwis spending a few years away from home.
Doesn't make good reading for the usual suspects but Ireland ranks very highly in terms of quality of life.
Instead of the usual moanfest Peej, bring in Tommy or Mick to talk about this from couple of days ago.
Ireland’s quality of life: How do we score in the UN’s new rankings?
The United Nation’s Human Development Index looks not just at income but also at key statistics such as life expectancy and average years of schooling