Immigration Thread

You're the thick cnut. You're great at dishing it out but can't take it you fuken nutjob
Really, thick, nutjob? You copied a link I posted on different thread and reposted it here as if it had some relevance to this thread. Quite ironic don't you think or was it supposed to be some sort of gotcha moment? Dishing it out? You failed again (FYP)
No wonder you had to leg it to the UK for the King's coin, you wouldn't have the intelligence to even draw the scratch here. :lol!: :lol!:
I will said fairplay though, you can be the forum's new dumbest shinnerbot 👏 👏
Really, thick, nutjob? You copied a link I posted on different thread and reposted it here as if it had some relevance to this thread. Quite ironic don't you think or was it supposed to be some sort of gotcha moment? Dishing it out? You failed again (FYP)
No wonder you had to leg it to the UK for the King's coin, you wouldn't have the intelligence to even draw the scratch here. :lol!: :lol!:
I will said fairplay though, you can be the forum's new dumbest shinnerbot 👏 👏
It's calling you out on your hypocrisy. When someone quotes something, you ask 'link??' when you are asked to post a link to verify your shite, you post a childish link to Googling. There are many people on this forum posting from England and all over the world. (HBB and Bennyton to name two in England.) Unlike you who has never ventured out of Cork.
Just because I call out loyalists paramilitaries for murdering Irish people with British state collusion, by your logic I'm a shinnerbot. A friend of mine survived a shooting and two of his colleagues were murdered with guns supplied by the British Army. And before you state more lies, he wasn't a terrorist. He's extrememly lucky to be alive and is living in Cork City, originally from the Midlands. You hide behind the keyboard insulting all and sundry and cannot hold an intelligent debate that's how fcuked up your pitiful life is. You wouldn't get away with it in real life.
It's calling you out on your hypocrisy. When someone quotes something, you ask 'link??' when you are asked to post a link to verify your shite, you post a childish link to Googling.
Nope, it's you being a dipshit, nothing new there.
when you are asked to post a link to verify your shite, you post a childish link to Googling.
I'm not here to hold you hand, do you not know how to use Google?
Unlike you who has never ventured out of Cork.
Lies, you really a dumb shinnerbot
A friend of mine survived a shooting and two of his colleagues were murdered with guns supplied by the British Army. And before you state more lies, he wasn't a terrorist. He's extrememly lucky to be alive and is living in Cork City, originally from the Midlands.
Directed by Quentin Inventinio
You hide behind the keyboard insulting all and sundry and cannot hold an intelligent debate
Oh the irony, coming from one of the dumbest shilling takers to ever post here.
that's how fcuked up your pitiful life is.
I have a great life, right here in Cork, Ireland

You wouldn't get away with it in real life.
Boohoo, you feel better now, I can feel both your rage and tears in equal measure.
An impressive operator.

Of course they don't. Its quite clear that people are destroying their travel documents en route.

They cant believe their luck that we're ignoring our own laws and letting people into the country with no travel documents instead of prosecuting them.

A total omnishambles . Harris dropped the ball in not sacking that useless f*cker McEntee.
Spot on, this fine thing is nothing but optics. We have immigration laws, how difficult is it to enforce them, ffs
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