Immigration Thread

I know Longueville House pretty well.

Out in the middle of nowhere to boot.

Thats a mindblowingly crazy move.

I was in a fairly fancy hotel in Mallow in late 2019, Longeville House doesn't ring a bell though. Would there be another one down there? You come through the town and then take a right turn down a random country road to get to it
Tis off to the left.

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Over 200 locals attended a meeting last night voicing their opposition to this planned change of use.

No one there wants this in their community. Another crazy decision from the Department of Integration.
Ken O'Flynn jumped on it straight away, also Eoghan Kenny, other are silent for now. Ken O'Flynn making progress towards getting sympathies in North Co. Cork anyways
Tis off to the left.

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Over 200 locals attended a meeting last night voicing their opposition to this planned change of use.

No one there wants this in their community. Another crazy decision from the Department of Integration.

I wonder is the government feeling a bit more brazen on mental shit like this now that they've seen it hasn't hit their popularity in the election booths.

Paying over €4 million for a 27 room hotel in the middle of nowhere is insane even by their standards. How much social housing could be delivered for that price?

Just yet another example of them shitting the bed and making this plan up as they go along.

I'd vote for Hitler before I'd vote for O'Gorman.
I wonder is the government feeling a bit more brazen on mental shit like this now that they've seen it hasn't hit their popularity in the election booths.

Paying over €4 million for a 27 room hotel in the middle of nowhere is insane even by their standards. How much social housing could be delivered for that price?

Just yet another example of them shitting the bed and making this plan up as they go along.

I'd vote for Hitler before I'd vote for O'Gorman.
They would be better off going to the country and dumping the greens,
Its completely off the reservation.

What kind of total halfwit greenlit this.

It actually is mind-blowing just how crazy a move it is. 😳

The cat is out of the bag on this like. How can we be expected to show support and compassion to asylum seekers when money is being found to put them in luxury hotels while Irish people sit on the side of our streets begging?

I couldn't give a fuck at this stage if that makes me a racist.
I remember before Covid, it was always bitching and moaning about Romanian and Bulgarian cheap workforce coming to pick strawberries etc. What harm would it be if we take all asylum seekers straight to pick strawberries and pay them minimum wage etc. So give them exactly the same terms Romanians and Bulgarians had. Surely that's not discrimination or racism 🤷‍♂️
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