
Cycles are used. Lots of data publicly available shows that.
If Cycle lanes are improved and made better and safer, they are used more. Again, lots of data available shows that.

It's not my fault you don't cant read.

As for need, well there are thousands of kids who could and would cycle to school if it was safe for them to do so, but I guess they or their safety dont matter to you. Only the unloved think like that Soundy.

It might help if you could construct actual sentences :ROFLMAO:

What does the publicly available data you refer to above show as the number who cycle more than once per day. And what does said data show about the use of the already provided cycle lanes?

Might be best if you stop guessing because you don't seem to even have a grasp on the blatantly obvious *ank. :cool:
So technology can read markings the size of a postage stamp on a bike going 20-30kph?
Right so.....

Of course, you ignored the most pertinent issue here. That no one country in the world is advocating or looking to do what you are advocating. Which tells a lot tbh.

The easiest way to do what you are saying is by using face recognition technology. It already exists in places like China. That is the side of history you are on Soundy.

By all means, lobby your TD to install this on roads so you can catch those pesky cyclists. We will see how far you get.

The easiest way to check and see what vehicles are being driven contrary to the rules of the road is to check for a unique identifying marker on them, there's no need for face recognition - have you already forgotten the new technology that you were praising the introduction of just a few pages ago. You thought it was grand when it was for catching motorists who don't obey the ROTR but you seem reluctant for its use in tracking errant cyclists.

You're the one saying it should only be the size of a postage stamp btw not I.
Is it illegal for 2 people to be on a motorized scooter.

I've seen it a few times but afaik there's no regulations governing these motorized scooters apart from a top speed limit which is bonkers. These dark evenings time and again you see so many of these scooters with even less lighting or reflectors than most cyclists have. And it seems the vast majority of the scooter drivers are in black, head to toe. Scary!

Think it should be mandatory that they have lights front and back, wear a helmet, and an advisory that they wear a high viz-vest too so they can be better seen. Of course it's not much good unless such rules would be enforced 😞
Nonsense, getting a registration sticker when you purchase a bike isn't making it hard for anyone. If someone goes through a red light be they motorist or cyclist I want them caught and fined. You want cyclists to get off scot free for breaking the rules.

Again, where in the world operates such a thing?
It's illegal to cross the road as a pedestrian when there isn't a green man showing at the traffic lights. Should we put stickers on people's foreheads to stop this?

I want everyone to follow the rules, but I am not for stupid knee-jerk nonsense either that just won't work.
Again, where in the world operates such a thing?
It's illegal to cross the road as a pedestrian when there isn't a green man showing at the traffic lights. Should we put stickers on people's foreheads to stop this?

I want everyone to follow the rules, but I am not for stupid knee-jerk nonsense either that just won't work.

Why must we take our lead from how it's done elsewhere? Do you think Irish cyclists and legislators are inherently thick and incapable of coming up with good ideas of their own or something?

You clearly don't want everyone to follow the rules, you just want motorists to. You describe it as "stupid knee-jerk nonsense...that just won't work" to come up with a way of trying to ensure ALL roadway users (including truckers, car drivers, bus drivers, scooter drivers, and cyclists) adhere to the Rules of the Road.
would a badge around this size on your bike really put you out so much? one on the back of front. or possibly back and front.

for a fella who calls people idiots and makes fun of their intelligence this can’t be beyond the bounds of your imagination.

bicycles are obliged to have reflectors, a bell amd lights for cycling in the dark. an extra badge back and front is easily doable.

edit: i’m not saying cyclists should be paying to be on the road. i’m saying these badges should be issued to every bike on the road or maybe just individually to each bicyclist and can be moved to another bicycle should their buy a new one.

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Two things.

A badge or sticker of that size will be too small for any existing camera or human eye to make out the ID number, when a cyclist is going at any speed, so whats the point?

Lastly, no country in the world operates such a farce of a proposal. I wonder why? Or has PROC cracked this mystery?
See my previous post, ya dope. Trees in urban areas reduce the ambient temperature as they work as a heat sink. They also have an aesthetic value (that means they look nice, in case you were wondering).
Go on away ya ghoul, Boreenmanna is suburban at best. You'd swear people will be flocking to the Boreenmanna road to shelter from the blistering heat 😂😂

I'll give ya trees look nice but do ya know what looks shit? Traffic.
Why must we take our lead from how it's done elsewhere? Do you think Irish cyclists and legislators are inherently thick and incapable of coming up with good ideas of their own or something?

What's coming up on this forum is reactionary knee-jerk shite. Seriously, do you think putting a sticker the size of a large postage stamp on a bike will make those cyclists you hate so much, not break a red light? Do you think people will be able to spot and read font size of a cm or two, on a bike going at any speed? No camera will have the clarity to read something so small either, so again whats the point

Are you really that thick that this is actually workable?

There is a reason why no other country or jurisdiction has done this. The closest we have come is China where they use face recognition technology. That would actually work, so is that the solution here? Implement a communist China solution to cyclists breaking red lights?
As I said, go lobby your local TD for that. You will be laughed out of it as that will never happen in Ireland. Christ, we made a big fuss about the PSC card, can you imagine if we had Face Recognition Technology?
How would this sticker be big enough to be visible to other road users etc?

It's a nonsense idea put out by right whingers in the UK, I'm surprised that you're taking it up now.

Matt Edwards, the Greens’ transport spokesperson, said registration would be “an expensive folly that would be impossible to administer”. He said: “Most road traffic accidents in the UK, especially those with fatalities, are caused by reckless car drivers, not cyclists. The anti-cycling narrative this government is pushing is actually making things far more dangerous for cyclists.”

Duncan Dollimore, head of campaigns for Cycling UK, said the plans were “impractical and unworkable, and have been repeatedly dismissed by successive governments. They’re also a complete U-turn on current government policy. “Every country which has tried to implement such ideas have soon realised their costly mistake.”

Simon Munk, the campaigns manager for the London Cycling Campaign, said many experts, including those in the DfT, had rejected the idea of registration.

He said: “Shapps seems to be playing to a tabloid audience in attacking cyclists as scofflaws, but it is cars, not cycles, that present the greatest road danger. Being hit by a motor vehicle is the principal cause of death and serious injury to all road users, and survey after survey shows that drivers are more likely to break road rules.”

Don't mind that, the big brains here on PROC have cracked it!
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