
What's coming up on this forum is reactionary knee-jerk shite. Seriously, do you think putting a sticker the size of a large postage stamp on a bike will make those cyclists you hate so much, not break a red light? Do you think people will be able to spot and read font size of a cm or two, on a bike going at any speed? No camera will have the clarity to read something so small either, so again whats the point

Are you really that thick that this is actually workable?

There is a reason why no other country or jurisdiction has done this. The closest we have come is China where they use face recognition technology. That would actually work, so is that the solution here? Implement a communist China solution to cyclists breaking red lights?
As I said, go lobby your local TD for that. You will be laughed out of it as that will never happen in Ireland. Christ, we made a big fuss about the PSC card, can you imagine if we had Face Recognition Technology?
The only one suggesting the sticker be size of a postage stamp is you.
The sticker could be the same size as the bike manufacturers name.
What's coming up on this forum is reactionary knee-jerk shite. Seriously, do you think putting a sticker the size of a large postage stamp on a bike will make those cyclists you hate so much, not break a red light? Do you think people will be able to spot and read font size of a cm or two, on a bike going at any speed? No camera will have the clarity to read something so small either, so again whats the point

Are you really that thick that this is actually workable?

There is a reason why no other country or jurisdiction has done this. The closest we have come is China where they use face recognition technology. That would actually work, so is that the solution here? Implement a communist China solution to cyclists breaking red lights?
As I said, go lobby your local TD for that. You will be laughed out of it as that will never happen in Ireland. Christ, we made a big fuss about the PSC card, can you imagine if we had Face Recognition Technology?

Doesn't need to be the size of a postage stamp. Just needs legislation same as cars. Not even a license just an identifier. I saw a video a while back of a cyclist punching a pedestrian at a cross walk in London and it would've been a lot easier to find and identify him if he had a plate on his bicycle. He might not even have done it.

If putting a sticker on a bike can identify law breakers, I'm all for it

The thing is, it won't. One won't be able to ID the cyclists if there is a 'sticker' on it.
Other jurisdictions have toyed with the idea but when looked at in reality, they all dumped and scrapped the idea.
There is a lesson there.

What WILL identity 'law breakers' is Face Recognition Technology. Are you all for that?
Two things.

A badge or sticker of that size will be too small for any existing camera or human eye to make out the ID number, when a cyclist is going at any speed, so whats the point?

Lastly, no country in the world operates such a farce of a proposal. I wonder why? Or has PROC cracked this mystery?

This could be done easily with QR codes. Its already been successfully tested on moving cars.

"Most researches about QR code recognition were about reading QR code from image or read from motionless object. This paper proposes a system which read QR code from motion object where QR code attached on a windshield. The experiment was done by recording a video file, while the car was moving at various speeds then analyze video files. From the experiment results, the identification success rate of 100 percent was achieved when the car was moving under 30 kilometer per hour. At the speed of 60 kilometer per hour, the identification success rate was 30 percent."
Here prick, knock yourself out :

Over to the Dumplin page :

What post or paragraph in that thread proves your point?

Meanwhile we have this.

There is nothing in data protection legislation to stop cyclists posting videos and photos of illegal parking and other infringements, the Data Protection Commissioner Helen Dixon has said.
The thing is, it won't. One won't be able to ID the cyclists if there is a 'sticker' on it.
Other jurisdictions have toyed with the idea but when looked at in reality, they all dumped and scrapped the idea.
There is a lesson there.

What WILL identity 'law breakers' is Face Recognition Technology. Are you all for that?
No problem with that either, as I said previously, the only people that have a problem with some sort of bike registration markings or facial recognition are those that continually break the law and are happy to see others do it as well
This could be done easily with QR codes. Its already been successfully tested on moving cars.

"Most researches about QR code recognition were about reading QR code from image or read from motionless object. This paper proposes a system which read QR code from motion object where QR code attached on a windshield. The experiment was done by recording a video file, while the car was moving at various speeds then analyze video files. From the experiment results, the identification success rate of 100 percent was achieved when the car was moving under 30 kilometer per hour. At the speed of 60 kilometer per hour, the identification success rate was 30 percent."
No fucking harm either. Saw 3 gobshites this morning break the red lights by Paddy the Farmer's........there was only 3 cyclists there at the time. 100% wankers who don't give a toss about other road users.
This could be done easily with QR codes. Its already been successfully tested on moving cars.

"Most researches about QR code recognition were about reading QR code from image or read from motionless object. This paper proposes a system which read QR code from motion object where QR code attached on a windshield. The experiment was done by recording a video file, while the car was moving at various speeds then analyze video files. From the experiment results, the identification success rate of 100 percent was achieved when the car was moving under 30 kilometer per hour. At the speed of 60 kilometer per hour, the identification success rate was 30 percent."

How big was the QR code in that experiment?
Was it the size of a postage stamp?
How good were the cameras doing the experiment from a quality/framerate/pixels point of view?
Do we need to replace all cameras on Irish roads to a higher standard?

And of course, a QR code is useless to the human eye.
Earlier on the grand parade I saw a woman on a bike with a child in a carriage at the front, she was taking some risks dodging in and out of traffic.
Seriously dangerous behaviour.
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