
Nonsense, getting a registration sticker when you purchase a bike isn't making it hard for anyone. If someone goes through a red light be they motorist or cyclist I want them caught and fined. You want cyclists to get off scot free for breaking the rules.
How would this sticker be big enough to be visible to other road users etc?

It's a nonsense idea put out by right whingers in the UK, I'm surprised that you're taking it up now.

Matt Edwards, the Greens’ transport spokesperson, said registration would be “an expensive folly that would be impossible to administer”. He said: “Most road traffic accidents in the UK, especially those with fatalities, are caused by reckless car drivers, not cyclists. The anti-cycling narrative this government is pushing is actually making things far more dangerous for cyclists.”

Duncan Dollimore, head of campaigns for Cycling UK, said the plans were “impractical and unworkable, and have been repeatedly dismissed by successive governments. They’re also a complete U-turn on current government policy. “Every country which has tried to implement such ideas have soon realised their costly mistake.”

Simon Munk, the campaigns manager for the London Cycling Campaign, said many experts, including those in the DfT, had rejected the idea of registration.

He said: “Shapps seems to be playing to a tabloid audience in attacking cyclists as scofflaws, but it is cars, not cycles, that present the greatest road danger. Being hit by a motor vehicle is the principal cause of death and serious injury to all road users, and survey after survey shows that drivers are more likely to break road rules.”
How would this sticker be big enough to be visible to other road users etc?

It's a nonsense idea put out by right whingers in the UK, I'm surprised that you're taking it up now.

Matt Edwards, the Greens’ transport spokesperson, said registration would be “an expensive folly that would be impossible to administer”. He said: “Most road traffic accidents in the UK, especially those with fatalities, are caused by reckless car drivers, not cyclists. The anti-cycling narrative this government is pushing is actually making things far more dangerous for cyclists.”

Duncan Dollimore, head of campaigns for Cycling UK, said the plans were “impractical and unworkable, and have been repeatedly dismissed by successive governments. They’re also a complete U-turn on current government policy. “Every country which has tried to implement such ideas have soon realised their costly mistake.”

Simon Munk, the campaigns manager for the London Cycling Campaign, said many experts, including those in the DfT, had rejected the idea of registration.

He said: “Shapps seems to be playing to a tabloid audience in attacking cyclists as scofflaws, but it is cars, not cycles, that present the greatest road danger. Being hit by a motor vehicle is the principal cause of death and serious injury to all road users, and survey after survey shows that drivers are more likely to break road rules.”

Wow cycling campaigners don't want this. Imagine my shock.
How would this sticker be big enough to be visible to other road users etc?

It's a nonsense idea put out by right whingers in the UK, I'm surprised that you're taking it up now.
If putting a sticker on a bike can identify law breakers, I'm all for it. You can identify the make of a bike from cctv, you can read a sticker. As for the bit in bold, I lol'd, particularly considering it was you that posted it.
Oh they'd find something to complain about...they always do. See below:

"Same logic" - what a langer :rolleyes: How many pedestrians have wheels installed and pose a danger to other pedestrians if they collide with them?
they are a danger to cyclists as they seem to enjoy walking and jogging in cycle dont need wheels to cause damage.
Pierce Turner
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17th Oct 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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