
Let me just get out my stat sheet.

What I do know is I'd much prefer if what was coming towards me was a bike m8.
True but a car is much more likely to stop before it even hits you. A bike I’m not so sure. He cycles too quickly and many of these incidents wouldn’t happen if he was riding slower and better able to react.
Let me just get out my stat sheet.

What I do know is I'd much prefer if what was coming towards me was a bike m8.

I think that would very much depend on the speed and size of the item approaching. Half m v squared and all that.

I just happen to think cars (given modern braking tecnology and 4 points of good grip contact on the road) travelling at 40kph would be more likely able to safely stop for all concerned, than a bicycle (with only 2 points of contact, especially on racer tyres) doing 40kph could.
I think you'd also have to factor in the liklihood of the driver/cyclist slamming on their brakes at 40kph. the car driver would automatically do it as it wouldn't adversely affect the seat-belted driver, or their car. Cyclist on the other hand, having to come to a sharp stop from 40kph would likely incur some personal injury and damage to their bike and/or cameras and might be ever so slightly more reluctant to brake hard. Dong 40KPH, even a tenth of a second of such delay by the cyclist, could bring them on a meter further on the road and more likely to hit. And that is if you were even to pretend that a bike coming to a dead halt from 40kph could do so in the same stopping distance as a car without skidding.

Granted on an actual collision a car would of course inflict more damage, should it actually hit at same speed, but imho, cycling at 40kph in a built up area is reckless. All imho of course.
True but a car is much more likely to stop before it even hits you. A bike I’m not so sure. He cycles too quickly and many of these incidents wouldn’t happen if he was riding slower and better able to react.
It isn't necessarily his speed though or even the road position he takes up - it's the intent. If people went out driving looking for aggro, deliberately provoking, remonstrating with other drivers etc etc it wouldn't be long before there would be a squad car involved and repeatedly doing it day in day out with invariably incur penalty points for driving with undue care and attention etc etc.

Case in point I know of a poster here (possibly ex poster, it's hard to tell) who routinely advocates for cyclists online - more cycle lanes, safer passing from motorists etc etc............however they do not go looking for or cause aggro as their way of doing it. At the end of the day, we all just want to get from a to b safely. We don't need to have people on the road deliberately looking to cause trouble.
Did you pull that out of your ass m8.
Pedestrians being killed by cars is a regular occurrence.
Pedestrians being killed by bikes is not.
Breaking news:

Being hit by big heavy metal box doing 40kph is more damaging than being hit by bicycle doing 40kph. The question is can a bicycle doing 40 brake better than a car doing 40?
I added to a thread that had been going for years. Many posts about him. Won’t be undoing any of it.

So you have more than a few accounts going on PROC then?
I guess the admins are going to love that.

Anyway, you do know that the person you have a vendetta against can find out who you are since you are defaming him?
You do realise that you have put your 2 big left foot in it?

Oh dear, if I were you, I would delete my account and hope PROC doesn't get a letter from a solicitor's office asking to unearth who you are.....
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