
Ashley hits the nail on the head about him tbh.

😂 Again?
So because Ashley doesn't have the time to spend all day reporting the dangerous incidents he sees, Mikey who is retired and who' father was killed by a dangerous driver is wrong to spend his time filming and reporting dangerous drivers, creating awareness at that junction. Tbh, he is entitled to his opinion but he hardly nails it. That is the fun of the internet, if you search long enough you will always find someone that supports your opinion. ;)

Active citizenship at it's best. We need people like him here to take out the motorist trash.
other than catching out cheeky motorists what’s this lad’s issue? does he just camp out there to stop people going down the wrong side of the road? if so it’s a fairly bizarre lifestyle.
Who do you think posted him here originally and got peoples back up?
I don't know, who?

You like him I just posted my differing opinion. That's what debate is about :)
I enjoy watching him catching dumb motorists at Gandolf and the way he triggers lads here. You didn't post your differing opinion, you just posted the opinion of another youtuber who doesn't have the time to post videos of the dangerous incidents he sees.
I like the way road rage content generators here in IRELAND tag Limeys for extra coverage on the INTERNET.

Proof, that their objective is views, likes, and subscriptions. Like any road rage content generators. OK, they do their own stunts, but the interest is waning.
Still, it’s funny I suppose…..
I don't know, who?

I enjoy watching him catching dumb motorists at Gandolf and the way he triggers lads here. You didn't post your differing opinion, you just posted the opinion of another youtuber who doesn't have the time to post videos of the dangerous incidents he sees.
It sounds like you’re very easily triggered by people who don’t agree with this type of thing.
According to the RAC it takes 23 metres for a car to stop doing 30 mph (48kph) and 12 metres doing 20 mph (32kph), not sure it would be that length on a bike.

While the brakes on a car are undoubtedly better you must take into account the weight of the car, you are the engineer and doesn't momentum equal mass by velocity?

Jank claimed there was anecdotal evidence of bikes at 40+Kph stopping quicker than cars, we've yet to see any such evidence, anecdotal or otherwise. And that 23 meters for a car to stop doing 30mph (unusual for a report to mix metric and imperial distances but I digress) must include reaction time. I've reasoned previously that there would likely be a slightly longer reaction time with a cyclist but let's assume they're the same, are you seriously going to try tell us that a cyclist travelling at 40 kph would stop shorter on two skinny tyres than a car with 4 correctly treaded tyres, without the cyclist damaging himself and/or his bike and/or others? Seriously?

There is no need for any cyclist to be travelling at that speed imho unless they're in an actual race in a cordoned off road. Imagine if a rabbit was to suddenly emerge and him doing 40kph
I feel various cyclists, as highlighted on this thread, have some sort of psychological issues, perhaps they belong in the mental health thread.
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😂 Again?
So because Ashley doesn't have the time to spend all day reporting the dangerous incidents he sees, Mikey who is retired and who' father was killed by a dangerous driver is wrong to spend his time filming and reporting dangerous drivers, creating awareness at that junction. Tbh, he is entitled to his opinion but he hardly nails it. That is the fun of the internet, if you search long enough you will always find someone that supports your opinion. ;)

Maybe that's what you took from watching the video. The message I got, and I think it an extremely valid one, is that yer man can continue video recording all the breaches of the ROTR that he wants, and send them on to the authorities if he wants. But that he shouldn't be standing in the roadway himself berating motorists like some kind of Lycra Vigilante.
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