Cork Hurlers - Part 2

One of them players you refer doesn't play in defence for Inniscarra namely Sean O'Donoghue. He plays in attack to give balance to their team. Cork also need balance and they can't afford to be going with the same full-back line they've played for a good few years. As I stated earlier the selectors need to think outside the box.
My own view is we’ve enough issues in the full back line as it is without taking O Donoghue out.

Let me ask you this Corkonian, if ODonoghue was moved out the field who would you suggest picks up the opposition’s main man? I’m thinking the likes of Gillane, Whelan, Hutchinson and co?

Frankly I think we lack good 1v1 defenders and ODonoghue with his size and pace is the best we have for it
North Cork

Do you think Darragh Flynn will make the panel? The long-term injury has set him back and I thought he was poor v St. Kierans but then he was Man of the Match yesterday and he has talent to burn.

Sean O'Leary Hayes has got plenty game time and hasn't been near inter-county level as a defender.

Agree with the idea of Tim O'Mahony at mid-field but will be very surprised if Darragh Fitz is at 11.

Come off the stage

One of them players you refer doesn't play in defence for Inniscarra namely Sean O'Donoghue. He plays in attack to give balance to their team. Cork also need balance and they can't afford to be going with the same full-back line they've played for a good few years. As I stated earlier the selectors need to think outside the box.

I think that management will try to leave the team from last year as settled as possible. I don't think there will be a lot of personnel changes , I think the big changes may come in how we play and the work rate of the team overall.
I think there will be a reluctance to switch players who are settled in a position and doing well there and SOD is one of those.

Darragh Flynn has been injured off and on for nearly twelve months and last Sunday was the first time that I thought he looked close to being right again.
We know that Pat Ryan likes him from when he played under 20 , the first year 2020 when he was barely out of minor but I think that at the moment senior inter county is beyond him. He is not the tallest lad and even though he is strong , very mobile and a lovely wristy hurler I think he needs another couple of years before he will challenge for the senior team .

The management have to be careful about the balance of the team, you can't have too many young players and as we know the most important thing is to try to get a team as settled as possible, which by and large has happened in the last couple of years.

We know that Niall O Leary, Robert Downey, SOD, Ger Millerick, Damian Cahalane, Ciaran Joyce, Darragh O Leary , Tim O Mahony, Darragh Fitzgibbon, Luke Meade , Robbie O Flynn, Seamus Harnedy, Shane Kingston, Patrick Horgan, Alan Cadogan, Alan Connolly, Shane Barrett have all to be pushed aside to get on the team and none of those are poor players... I may have missed a couple and if so I apologise to them.
Horse of Gold

The team isn't about one player and the defence isn't about one defender. If Cork play the same full-back line of O'Leary, Cahalane and SOD the management will learn little from the previous one and the defence won't strengthen as a unit of 6. SOD and O'Leary can play elsewhere and that is where they're most accustomed with their clubs. A mid-field with Tim O'Mahony and Ethan Twomey will be a positive learning curve and progress in my opinion similar to playing SOD and Ethan Twomey there, then other corner backs can be considered and the defence should develop, players such as James O'Flynn, Fergus Lordan, Liam Ryan and Eoin Roche can be looked at in the 2 and 4 positions. O'Flynn was outstanding in a game last January at 2, I think it was in the Cannon O'Brien Cup but he was given no opportunity afterwards, he deserves full league games in 2023. What Cork have been doing is go with the same full-back line and team in general and introduce the odd player in hope of different results, Sean O'Donoghue looks ideal in those early games at corner-back and then when championship pressure intesifies he is trying to do too much to cover for weaknesses elsewhere and is seen to be a bit error prone, he made some basic errors v Galway not to mind struggling with Conor Whelan. If Cork were playing championship in January SOD would be corner-back but this is not reality and a new management playing a direct game needs to have different ideas if the style is to change. He will be more than likely there come championship but if he was to get injured who would play corner-back then, so this is why the management have to think differently than what is norm.

The same applies to Darragh Fitzgibbon at mid-field, it's too easy to pick him there, if he's selected with Tim or whoever then Ethan Twomey doesn't get the chance to develop. He has a running game for centre-forward but does he have the rest, no Charleville management have agreed on playing him at 11. With Mark Coleman out then it might be worth looking at Darragh for wing-back, he has the recovery game and tenacity but has he enough defensive nous or maybe he can develop it in his game with proper coaching. IMO Joyce and Millerick are the two most natural defenders for positions 6 and 7 respectively.


He's a good player but not the corner-back you make him out to be, is he up there with Finn, Nash and Butler I doubt it?
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