Batsh*t Crazy Green Party

Another green environmental solution comes tumbling down. Insurance companies and people wanting mortgages are being refused if there is stay foam insulation in the house.😂

a) That is from the UK
b) Doesnt apply to Ireland
c) You are welcome
Another green environmental solution comes tumbling down. Insurance companies and people wanting mortgages are being refused if there is stay foam insulation in the house.😂

This is a product when poorly specified and badly installed can cause problems if the roof timbers etc are not vented properly.

Other insulation products are readily available and used every day to insulate homes and help to lower energy costs.

Green mortgages have lower interest rates here.

And rightly so as the owner occupier is not spending a small fortune just trying to keep their house warm and all new houses have to be "A" rated anyway.
This is a product when poorly specified and badly installed can cause problems if the roof timbers etc are not vented properly.
Other insulation products are readily available and used every day to insulate homes and help to lower energy costs.
Green mortgages have lower interest rates here.

And rightly so as the owner occupier is not spending a small fortune just trying to keep their house warm and all new houses have to be "A" rated anyway.

Which is overkill for Irish climate and is pushing the cost of housing even higher and out of the reach of most of our people.
Which is overkill for Irish climate and is pushing the cost of housing even higher and out of the reach of most of our people.
Do you really want people in social and affordable housing etc living in cold homes and spending a large proportion of their income on simply staying warm and not getting ill?

In a seasonally cold and damp climate?

The cost of not doing it is greater which is why people with existing houses get Govt. grants for energy upgrades for insulation, solar panels and heating etc.
Spraying insulation onto roof timbers in your attic sounded like a bad idea alright but there are other options. People should use their common sense, get impartial advice and work within their budget not waste time and money on half arsed measures.

As a country there are quicker ways to reduce emmisions than trying to retrofit our housing stock in a short time frame,

The cost of a deep retrofit to and older house is still prohibitive for many imho.
Do you really want people in social and affordable housing etc living in cold homes and spending a large proportion of their income on simply staying warm and not getting ill?

In a seasonally cold and damp climate?

The cost of not doing it is greater which is why people with existing houses get Govt. grants for energy upgrades for insulation, solar panels and heating etc.

Cold homes??????????
Are B rated homes cold in a climate that typically goes from

"Winter in Ireland is roughly from October until March. But thanks to the island's location, in the path of the Gulf Stream, the country enjoys warmer weather than you may expect at this time of year. The average temperature is between 4°C and 8°C (39°F-47°F)."

B rated homes are still quite well insulated against such temperatures.
Cold homes??????????
Are B rated homes cold in a climate that typically goes from

"Winter in Ireland is roughly from October until March. But thanks to the island's location, in the path of the Gulf Stream, the country enjoys warmer weather than you may expect at this time of year. The average temperature is between 4°C and 8°C (39°F-47°F)."

B rated homes are still quite well insulated against such temperatures.
People deserve the best and especially those at the bottom.

Look at all the modern social and affordable homes built across the city in the past few years, A-rated, solar panels and heat pumps.

Allowing people to get on in life with their families without having to worry about fluctuating energy costs, international oil prices and using solar power as well as microgenerating back to the grid.

The days of houses being barely warm are over.

The lower your energy rating then your house value will be affected.

Banks give cheaper mortgages etc for A-rated homes as well as lending instutitions refusing to give loans for non-compliant non A-rated homes as the occupyers are not spending huge sums on heating etc.


Because they are just not focking stupid.

Your own party does not even have a climate policy nevermind helping keeping people warm etc in homes as they waffle on about "working families" and "ordinary decent people" etc pretending to even care by talking down to their voters like Lynn Boylan.

Wealthy people can afford energy retrofits and the poor deserve the home upgrades paid for by the council and new A-rated homes.

Andrew Mensah - Comedy Stop Cork
Wavelength (Cyprus Ave Rooftop)

11th Oct 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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