what book you reading at the moment? (incl poll)

Do you like to read books

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Stolen Focus by Johann Hari.

I read 40 pages of this last night and felt like I'd achieved something. 40 pages.

I used to read 400 page books in one sitting. And that's basically what this book is about. The world we're living in is destroying our ability to concentrate on one thing for any considerable period of time.

For instance, we can now consume up to 174 newspapers worth of information in one day through the Internet, TV and other sources. Sounds great? The price to pay is with being bombarded with information comes at the cost of being able to be present.
Stolen Focus by Johann Hari.

I read 40 pages of this last night and felt like I'd achieved something. 40 pages.

I used to read 400 page books in one sitting. And that's basically what this book is about. The world we're living in is destroying our ability to concentrate on one thing for any considerable period of time.

For instance, we can now consume up to 174 newspapers worth of information in one day through the Internet, TV and other sources. Sounds great? The price to pay is with being bombarded with information comes at the cost of being able to be present.

This sounds good. I've been thinking a lot about this recently. Deleted all my social media apps, left myself with one news app, app limiters elsewhere.
Stolen Focus by Johann Hari.

I read 40 pages of this last night and felt like I'd achieved something. 40 pages.

I used to read 400 page books in one sitting. And that's basically what this book is about. The world we're living in is destroying our ability to concentrate on one thing for any considerable period of time.

For instance, we can now consume up to 174 newspapers worth of information in one day through the Internet, TV and other sources. Sounds great? The price to pay is with being bombarded with information comes at the cost of being able to be present.
This hits home. I've a pile of books I need to study to review but been knocked out from drugs (not the cool kind). I remember when I'd stay in my room ravaging books as a teen. Social media has definitely something to answer for in that regard.
Was it well written and engaging?
Mmm....It was well formatted out let's say. Put together pretty good in all. I personally couldn't put it down. There is a lot in there that I didn't know. Very detailed as well. His time in the Army was extremely engaging tbf. I thought it was actually a very good read all in all.
Mmm....It was well formatted out let's say. Put together pretty good in all. I personally couldn't put it down. There is a lot in there that I didn't know. Very detailed as well. His time in the Army was extremely engaging tbf. I thought it was actually a very good read all in all.
I trust your judgement. I'd not say absolutely no to reading it to be honest. I read Stephen Gerrards autobiography and it was one of the worst written books ever. He also is slightly misogynistic I thought.
I digress
This hits home. I've a pile of books I need to study to review but been knocked out from drugs (not the cool kind). I remember when I'd stay in my room ravaging books as a teen. Social media has definitely something to answer for in that regard.
Same. I've bought about ten books in the last year, and not one of them has been fully read, and some are yet to be opened. I had every intention of reading them when I bought them. Countless books have also come home with me from the library and went back unread, or a chapter read etc.

I was on a train about 5 or 6 years ago. It was quiet and there were two young girls there I could hear discussing Game of Thrones. One friend was telling the other friend how good she thought it was, and how she should watch it. But the friend said she felt like she wouldn't be able to concentrate for a full 50 minutes.

I genuinely felt sorry for her. But now, I am her.
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Same. I've bought about ten books in the last year, and not one of them has been fully read, and some are yet to be opened. I had every intention of reading them when I bought them. Countless books have also come home with me from the library and went back unread, or a chapter read etc.

I was on a train about 5 or 6 years ago. It was quiet and there were two young girls there I could hear discussing Game of Thrones. One friend was telling the other friend how good she thought it was, and how she should watch it. But the friend said she felt like she would be able to concentrate for a full 50 minutes.

I genuinely felt sorry for her. But now, I am her.
I promised to review friend's books that they gave me for free. I feel fucking useless cos I'm sedated half the time.
That's fairly sad about the young girl though. I never minded sitting through GOT.I used to stay up till 2am to watch on Sky. At least we're not alone in this, but it is quite depressing too
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