VMWare - Ballincollig

No indication yet how many jobs will be cut. There has been redundancies before at EMC/Dell out in Ballincollig but more jobs were subsequently added in the following years, more than replacing those lost.

General point is correct though - Ireland generally and Cork in particular heavily reliant on Foreign Direct Investment. We could take a hit of one or two leaving (chances are they'd be quickly replaced by others keen to utilise experienced workers) but we would be badly exposed if there was some type of global economic shock and there was multiple office/factory closures.

Of course if Apple were to close completely with loss of 6,000+ workers, that would have similar effect to loss of Fords and Dunlop's back in the day.
Yet certain types still feel the need to antagonise Apple over that tax. In my opinion they can do what they want as long as they're employing so many people in Cork. I wouldn't be doing anything to provoke them to pull out
Yet certain types still feel the need to antagonise Apple over that tax. In my opinion they can do what they want as long as they're employing so many people in Cork. I wouldn't be doing anything to provoke them to pull out

With 6,000 working in Cork I doubt Apple will decide to leave or to stay purely on the decision of what happens the 13Bn that's been in escrow for nearly 10 years.
With 6,000 working in Cork I doubt Apple will decide to leave or to stay purely on the decision of what happens the 13Bn that's been in escrow for nearly 10 years.

Not purely on that decision, but it could well be the straw that breaks the camels back.

I doubt they'd exactly miss Hollyhill like
Not purely on that decision, but it could well be the straw that breaks the camels back.

I doubt they'd exactly miss Hollyhill like

They're still investing in and around Hollyhill - even as far as buying property out by the old Sunset Ridge if stories are to be believed.

Dell showed the short-sightedness of moving manufacturing plants to cheaper work-places like Poland and some of it came back. And I don't think US tech manufacturing companies are going to up sticks to the Far East any time soon - indeed the trend in the industry is to try to move manufacturing out of the Far East. Might repatriate some of Cork to the US but we do speak English and provide the toe-hold in the EU, and thanks to Brexit can't see it going to ingerlund either.
Dell showed the short-sightedness of moving manufacturing plants to cheaper work-places like Poland and some of it came back.

I am not sure if you know that Dell is still in Poland and even have opened there R&D centre (hard to call it cheap labor motivated). The line which was moved from Limerick was subsequently moved out to Taiwan shortly after being pulled from Limerick. Did not track it further but as far as I remember this was a brilliant plan of Irish managers from Dell and some investigation was in place :) Don't know how it ended.
I actually applied for a job in VMware when I finished college but didn't get it. It was one of those companies where a lot of people in my course ended up, similar to Abtran, Apple etc.

I ended up with a job outside of Cork which thanks to Covid has turned into a job in Cork, so I guess I was lucky.
I actually applied for a job in VMware when I finished college but didn't get it. It was one of those companies where a lot of people in my course ended up, similar to Abtran, Apple etc.

I ended up with a job outside of Cork which thanks to Covid has turned into a job in Cork, so I guess I was lucky.
What were you reading in College, EnnisY?

The gas meter was it lol?
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