Training Run Times

carmona, get a water belt, about 15 euro for a one bottle jobbie inside in the edge sports north mainstreet..{the fellas with 2 look a bit bizarr imo}
having to carry water in your hand is a bollox
take it easy man.
Concrete footpaths and the like is absolutely the worst surface. You should run on the road itself where possible. Forest trails are the berries if you want some variety. Here in Atlanta there are tons of them. Running through trees can be exhilirating...creates that forest chase sensation and all that. Also it is a good idea to have a slightly bumpy surface every once in while to help the stability of the ankles.

The thing that has really revolutionised my running though is having a race to prepare for. I'm 35 and intend to do the half-marathon in a VERY modest 2:14/15. That works out at 10:15 miles. I'm not going to set the world on fire at that pace, but I'm going to finish my first half, which I think is crucial. The half in Atlanta is going to be quite hilly compared to Miami, and of course, the Bay Run from Glengariff to Bantry, is as a lot of city folk like to remind us, nothing but hills. My goal in all of these races given the increasing difficulty will be to finish. In the meantime, I'm going to give the Junior C hurling and Junior D football at least another year at the North American Championships, so after Miami, I going to work in some heavy speed intervals, fartlek, and 400's and 800's between February and May. I have also take to doing some corework/pilates this week. I can already feel the differance. Posture is everything.
Concrete footpaths and the like is absolutely the worst surface. You should run on the road itself where possible. Forest trails are the berries if you want some variety. Here in Atlanta there are tons of them. Running through trees can be exhilirating...creates that forest chase sensation and all that. Also it is a good idea to have a slightly bumpy surface every once in while to help the stability of the ankles.

The thing that has really revolutionised my running though is having a race to prepare for. I'm 35 and intend to do the half-marathon in a VERY modest 2:14/15. That works out at 10:15 miles. I'm not going to set the world on fire at that pace, but I'm going to finish my first half, which I think is crucial. The half in Atlanta is going to be quite hilly compared to Miami, and of course, the Bay Run from Glengariff to Bantry, is as a lot of city folk like to remind us, nothing but hills. My goal in all of these races given the increasing difficulty will be to finish. In the meantime, I'm going to give the Junior C hurling and Junior D football at least another year at the North American Championships, so after Miami, I going to work in some heavy speed intervals, fartlek, and 400's and 800's between February and May. I have also take to doing some corework/pilates this week. I can already feel the differance. Posture is everything.

I believe some speed work is good for a distance runner, but why do 4's and 8's if you're going to be tipping around at 2.15 pace for a half marathon? The course here in Lux is fairly hilly too, but there's a pancake_flat one in September. 1hr45 might be optimistic but almost all my runs I do about 5 mins per km.
The 4's and 8's will be more as pre-conditioning for the football and hurling. Working down to 40 yd. sprints as quickly as possible. I think 10 weeks is enough training to do for a half, so I should have some leeway at times in their to do serious speedwork. Might actually look for advice from some of the more weights-oriented guys on that one.

Also, the half-training program I'm on only calls for 3 days of actual endurance type running, and 1 full day of rest, and it only really prescribes 2 other days of crosstraining. I counting whatever I do for football and hurling as crosstraining. I always when I was in my 20's these guys in their 30's coming out with no turn-of-pace or ability to go through the gears. Feckin' marathon-runner I'd say to myself. I don't want to be that guy. I've always had speed when I needed it on the field, so as long as I'm playing I want that.

5mins per km...that's roughly 8min miles. I think I could do one of those. As in one and nothing else. Probably need 5mins warmup though.
Not going for any big distances but usually do about 5miles in a loop from Rochestown Inn down the railway line,through Blackrock village then back around the headland.Takes about 40 minutes.

we have probably past each other many times i'd say, i use the line in all my runs, from Douglas village down to the Rochestown inn on to the line and around jacobs island all the way to blackrock castle, then down by the pierhead inn and up the marina past the park and onto center park road which takes me into anglesea street then back to Douglas, ive been doing this every second day now for about a month and i usually do it in 1hr 26ish, i have no idea how far it is but i reckon my time is not to bad considering that when i go running im normally wearing a few t-shirts with a sweatshirt and jacket and a big wooly hat, its freezing down that way i can tell ya
we have probably past each other many times i'd say, i use the line in all my runs, from Douglas village down to the Rochestown inn on to the line and around jacobs island all the way to blackrock castle, then down by the pierhead inn and up the marina past the park and onto center park road which takes me into anglesea street then back to Douglas, ive been doing this every second day now for about a month and i usually do it in 1hr 26ish, i have no idea how far it is but i reckon my time is not to bad considering that when i go running im normally wearing a few t-shirts with a sweatshirt and jacket and a big wooly hat, its freezing down that way i can tell ya

thats good.
i run from heartys quay round jacobs, the castle, the village, the parc , to the gates of the rowing club . thats exactly 5 m and my split is usually about 42 /45.i then turn back and do the same for a total usually of 1.15 but last year i cracked the 10 in 109.
was a stone lighter .

i double the route for a 20 total in sub 3
the footpath up by the river past the paric is dodgy when its dark......
have you ever seen your man who runs with his arms totally motionless bye his sides? i often wondered what hes up too.
fucker is quick also, but i have no idea what distance hes doing i just see him all the time.
ive not seen him as i wouldnt run it at night,its either 11 am or around 3pm for me, savage talent down around the line and the park on sundays though! im going to physio at the moment as one of the main muslces that supports my back is dodgey, only really effects me when i train muay thai however i can manage it when i run so if im going to be plagued by it then i'll give up the muay thai (as whats the point if you cant give a 110% especially seen as its a contact sport) and consider joing a running club or something, do you train for these by yourself tim or are you with a club?
we have probably past each other many times i'd say, i use the line in all my runs, from Douglas village down to the Rochestown inn on to the line and around jacobs island all the way to blackrock castle, then down by the pierhead inn and up the marina past the park and onto center park road which takes me into anglesea street then back to Douglas, ive been doing this every second day now for about a month and i usually do it in 1hr 26ish, i have no idea how far it is but i reckon my time is not to bad considering that when i go running im normally wearing a few t-shirts with a sweatshirt and jacket and a big wooly hat, its freezing down that way i can tell ya

Fuckin hell; you do an 86 min run every second day!
im only 8 and 1/2 stone so im not carring to much weight so the runs are fine, never suffer from shortage of breath unless im trying to push out 7/8 miles as quickly as possible
im only 8 and 1/2 stone so im not carring to much weight so the runs are fine, never suffer from shortage of breath unless im trying to push out 7/8 miles as quickly as possible

ah, the one quality which all great runners have: lightness. I'm pretty much100 pounds heavier than you... for now... shooting for 185 pounds which is 13 stone 3 pounds, for a loss of 35 pounds, or 2.5 stone.
John Murry
Coughlan's, Douglas St.

17th Nov 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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Tony Roberts

The Welcome Inn, Tomorrow @ 8pm

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