The Official Athletics Thread

Big shout from Coach Flo not putting Adeleke in there.

Last in Grand Slam is 10k, first in a normal diamond league is 10k.

Her 200m would make her a legitimate contender for the overall series and she's based in the states so short travel for all 4 Slams.

Not sure how I feel about this to be honest.

His other star Julian Alfred has signed up as a racer

Big shout from Coach Flo not putting Adeleke in there.

Last in Grand Slam is 10k, first in a normal diamond league is 10k.

Her 200m would make her a legitimate contender for the overall series and she's based in the states so short travel for all 4 Slams.

Not sure how I feel about this to be honest.

His other star Julian Alfred has signed up as a racer
The big question is going to be "who else is going?". If Grand Slam guts the DL then the DL is less worthwhile and will have slower times. Adeleke's main oppo will probably be split across both series and LOL, Sydney won't be at either.

There was a lot of talk about Adeleke needing to move up and improve on the S&C front - any further word there? I wonder are they tackling her last 100?
The big question is going to be "who else is going?". If Grand Slam guts the DL then the DL is less worthwhile and will have slower times. Adeleke's main oppo will probably be split across both series and LOL, Sydney won't be at either.

There was a lot of talk about Adeleke needing to move up and improve on the S&C front - any further word there? I wonder are they tackling her last 100?
The Racers are all announced at this stage.

In the 200m/400m "long sprints" it's Paulinho, Eid Nasir, Alexis Holmes and Brittany Brown. Nothing stopping Syd or Gabby Thomas having a cut off it either but they are nominally in different groupings.

We'll still get the perverse sight of Syd and Paulinho running 400m at the same meet and not actually racing each other.

The events are set too. Kingston Jamaica, Miami, Philly and LA all in April and May.

Signing up makes loads of sense for US based Athletes. Simple travel, early season, minimimal disruption to DL and Worlds.

I think this will also make for shit racing on the 3000m/5000m group as they'll all be in heavy milage phases then.

It makes less sense for Europeans, it'll screw European indoor prep and disrupt the base season. Bol and Jakob both said no for this reason.

I'll bet the house we see both of them as challangers (people who aren't contracted to run all 4) and Sha'Carri and Noah probably at the LA meet.

100k is 100k after all

Adeleke started her season quite late last year so maybe following the same template. Worlds is a bit later too this year as its finishing the Season. Noah lyles has spoken about how this is a good idea but a complete ball ache from a training perspective. I believe she said she's skipping Euro Indoors too
Adeleke started her season quite late last year so maybe following the same template. Worlds is a bit later too this year as its finishing the Season. Noah lyles has spoken about how this is a good idea but a complete ball ache from a training perspective. I believe she said she's skipping Euro Indoors too
LOL, did he use the term "ball ache" or " a complete stones"?

Yep, pretty sure Adeleke has confirmed she's not doing Euro indoors
A few of ye will be interested in this

There is a lady Elizabeth Egan who used to keep a Google spreadsheet tracking the Irish Athletes for qualifications etc.

She has upgraded to a proper website so fair play to her. She has makes following the Irish about 100 times easier than it would be otherwise. A sterling service for the fan.
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