The Official Athletics Thread

He signed with adidas a few months back.

Hopefully they sort him with a good coach, traditionally they've left young athletes dangling

I presume Patrick Johnson, the Irish-Aborogional fastest non African 9.93 guy has an assignment coach. He'd do.

They'd be mental not to.

If he continues his progression he could easily be the next superstar of sprint.

Should shift plenty of runners.
Eurocross Sunday morning from 08:00 Irish Time.

Senior Races on at 10:30 so perfect fodder for after the Sunday run.

I think its on red button too.

U20: Neil Laros will surely piss it, he's still the next Jakob After all

Similarly Innes Fitzgerald for the Brits is a cross hound.

U23: Can the Ax man Axel Van Christianson step up to U23, Can Nick Griggs?

Will Barnicoat the Brit will do well here. Maybe win it.

Womens side, no idea. No sign of Megan Keith in the start list.

Senior Womens:
Batocletti all day long. GroveDahl scratched she's sick, Turkish wan Can will do well bit this is Nadia's

Senior Mens:
Best race of the day, Jakob will win unless a total bolt from the blue hits. But Almgren and Thierry Ndikemwenayo are his best competition in a few years. Crippa too but he's more inconsistent.

I fancy Ireland in the team event behind Belgium and France.

Man for Man Gidey, Dalton and Kilrehel are as good as the Brits (Milner, Zak Muhammad and some dude called Tomassao) and The Norwegians have a weak enough team due to the row over Gjert Ingebrigtsen
The feed is actually on the RTE player.

I'm actually surprised RTE are carrying it at all despite it being free.

Greg Allen up not uncle Tim is the only thing
Dowcha Griggs. Brilliant stuff.

Outstanding silver in his first year at the grade.

He went off too hard last year and collapsed with 100m to go

This year he sat on the Brits and kicked down David Stone for silver.

Just ran out of road for Gold
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Just doing a tiny bit of research there on Marathon results 2024. Jeez, the difference between Valencia and the rest is incredible. So far I've just looked at Elite and sub elite times. Will do sub 3 and the likes later, but it will tell a very similar story I'd guess.

Here are the numbers for sub 2:05 Val:10, Chic: 3, Berl: 5, and London 2 (!)
As follows, numbers for sub 2:20.....Val: 135, Chic: 40, Berl: 63, and London 33

(Those numbers may be a little bit off, some are more straightforward to check than others)

That's fairly impressive. I was spectating this year and I couldn't believe the number of fast French dudes. As well as shoes, nutrition and what not, I get the feeling there are countries where the marathon used to be seen as a race to do after you hit 30 or retired from the track. Now you see loads of 20/25 year old lads doing it.
As for sub 2:40!!!! In Valencia 1292 chip time. London, where I had to add Elite men, elite women, mass men, mass women.... (Thanks LM results system) approx 815, which isn't bad mind. Chicago, about 500.
Berlin..... 1,041 also chip time and I only counted 'men' and 'women'.


I wonder if Kiptum had done Valencia instead of Chicago, could he have got the sub 2 in an official race. Those raw numbers above suggest (kind of) that he would have been mighty close.
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