The Official Athletics Thread

Gout Gout on the move again 😳

Lads, anyone thinking of doing the Valencia marathon '25, be ready when the next batch of tickets go on sale. First 10,000 went in a few hours. Next few are priced at 120e..... Then 180. Jeez.
Eurocross Sunday morning from 08:00 Irish Time.

Senior Races on at 10:30 so perfect fodder for after the Sunday run.

I think its on red button too.

U20: Neil Laros will surely piss it, he's still the next Jakob After all

Similarly Innes Fitzgerald for the Brits is a cross hound.

U23: Can the Ax man Axel Van Christianson step up to U23, Can Nick Griggs?

Will Barnicoat the Brit will do well here. Maybe win it.

Womens side, no idea. No sign of Megan Keith in the start list.

Senior Womens:
Batocletti all day long. GroveDahl scratched she's sick, Turkish wan Can will do well bit this is Nadia's

Senior Mens:
Best race of the day, Jakob will win unless a total bolt from the blue hits. But Almgren and Thierry Ndikemwenayo are his best competition in a few years. Crippa too but he's more inconsistent.

I fancy Ireland in the team event behind Belgium and France.

Man for Man Gidey, Dalton and Kilrehel are as good as the Brits (Milner, Zak Muhammad and some dude called Tomassao) and The Norwegians have a weak enough team due to the row over Gjert Ingebrigtsen
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The +3.4 is probably worth 2 or 3 10ths

Still an outrageous time

The clip is a good example of what would happen if you put random athletic people who play soccer/rugby/Gah up against proper track talent. The fellas he's racing are decent level aussie school kids
Lotta work needed on the start. If he can improve that, he could be a contender.
Lotta work needed on the start. If he can improve that, he could be a contender.
He signed with adidas a few months back.

Hopefully they sort him with a good coach, traditionally they've left young athletes dangling

I presume Patrick Johnson, the Irish-Aborogional fastest non African 9.93 guy has an assignment coach. He'd do.
Decent enough selection for Euro Cross next week.

The men finished 4th last year and have Keelan Kilrehil, Cormac Dalton back and a Fit, Full time pro Efram Gidey added into the mix they should do alright.

Great to see Seán Tobin back in a green vest after so many years of injury. Always one of my favourite runners. Very aggressive and really gets after it.

Great also to see both mens and womens cork County Novice Champs selected, Paul Hartnett from East Cork in the U20, and Fiona Everard in the Senior Womens. I've been saying for years County Novice is no Joke. Niamh Allen from Leevale too (although maybe not from cork I don't know) first vest at age 29 and She has a 4 or 5 month old baby. you love to see it.

Griggs in the u23 will find it a big step up. But at least he gets another tilt at his white whale Axel vang Christianson.

Jakob is back this year to take back his crown from Dr Yann. Nordas threw a strop when they picked Fillip ahead of training partner Selva so he's out and Norway look weak enough as a team.

Brits have certified animal triathlon/Mud Hopper Hugo Milner and Will Barnicoat and Zak Muhammad. very strong.

Batocletti looks a cert to take Karoline GroveDahl down.

The course looks like a building site in an industrial estate in Turkey. Pray for Rain.
You’ll not find a prouder Cork woman than Niamh Allen.

City born and bred.

for all you Gout fans. 20.04 wind legal. from about 5mins

Breaks Peter Norman's 56 year old aussie record.

Yes the fella who stood with Tommie Smith and John Carlos.
The Ukrainian Ballet of Peace presents The Nutcracker
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

9th Feb 2025 @ 2:00 pm
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Heat And Dust (NC) [Merchant Ivory Season]

Triskel Arts Centre, Tomorrow @ 5:30pm

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