The County Board Complaints Thread

Does Frank Need To Go

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having this rule is a bit silly in any kids match, some people ingnoring it then makes it worse for those who obey it,
its not like adult games where inevitably you will get hangers on and people trying to get pitchside or get in for free.
Lads I spoke to never heard it so I wonder how new it is.
Sounds again like one of these GAA rules drawn up by a committee totally out of touch with what's happening in reality.
Surely maximum participation is the aim at primary level. Totally unfair on the schools who probably have to deal then with irrate parents who think their child is the next all star
Anyone know what happened in The Carbery GAA U21A Football Championship Semi-Final game, Carbery Rangers v Ibane Gaels?
Just heard it was a fiasco ?
Checked their twitter accounts and seems to have alot of confusion about the FT score after normal time
Anyone know what happened in The Carbery GAA U21A Football Championship Semi-Final game, Carbery Rangers v Ibane Gaels?
Just heard it was a fiasco ?
Checked their twitter accounts and seems to have alot of confusion about the FT score after normal time
Heard that it was straight forward mistake .. another classic mess up by Michael Collin’s the All Ireland ref from Clonakilty
He got the score wrong!!!
Both clubs and the divisional twitter accounts had the same score, with Carbery Rangers winning by 1.
Collins had it as a draw and then he played extra time.
Surely this will be reversed & replayed.
Have heard since that one of the Ross lads sustained a serious injury in the extra time and was taken away by ambulance. Surely if both Clubs and the board had same scores , especially both clubs , it should have not gone to extra time . Mr Collins should have held his hand up and said he was wrong. Disgraceful stuff. Once again another shambles of the once great U21 Championship
Have heard since that one of the Ross lads sustained a serious injury in the extra time and was taken away by ambulance. Surely if both Clubs and the board had same scores , especially both clubs , it should have not gone to extra time . Mr Collins should have held his hand up and said he was wrong. Disgraceful stuff. Once again another shambles of the once great U21 Championship
Happened to be at the game myself as it was on In my own backyard. Brilliant game of football played under shocking conditions. The lack of a working scoreboard definitely a big mistake from the off. However it seemed only the Twitter warriors seemed to have any issue with the score at full time. Neither sets of players celebrated at normal time implying both understood it was a draw. The might of Rosscarbery senior football still failed to beat the sheer skill of the junior amalgamation club. Maybe the real scandal going on is how this Ibane team have managed to topple 3 greats of cork senior football in a row on the route to the final. The real reason for Ross’s upset may be caused by the embarrassment of losing to Ibane yet again. Maybe this attempt to get the game replayed is an attempt at saving what honour they have left??
However it seemed only the Twitter warriors seemed to have any issue with the score at full time. Neither sets of players celebrated at normal time implying both understood it was a draw. The might of Rosscarbery senior football still failed to beat the sheer skill of the junior amalgamation club
Maybe beating an amalgamation of a couple of junior teams isnt any big reason to celebrate?
I see it a lot when my own club play amalgamations underage.. It’s like beating a soulless non entity in the players eyes.
I see the same reaction when we play the divisions or colleges at adult level
Timoleague and Barryroe wouldn’t exactly be known as homes of sheer skill would they? 😂😂😂
Going by the past results your club doesn’t seem to beat these amalgamation clubs, hence why you don’t get to see them celebrate. I’m only a neutral giving my opinion on how silly it was to have no scoreboard in place for as big a game as today was. However I may be mistaken or do I remember a certain Barryroe player from the home of sheer skill being the heart of the last successful Rosscarbery adult team????
Going by the past results your club doesn’t seem to beat these amalgamation clubs, hence why you don’t get to see them celebrate. I’m only a neutral giving my opinion on how silly it was to have no scoreboard in place for as big a game as today was. However I may be mistaken or do I remember a certain Barryroe player from the home of sheer skill being the heart of the last successful Rosscarbery adult team????
My club? Im from da city brother
The poteen is getting ta ya Barryroe man
Going by the past results your club doesn’t seem to beat these amalgamation clubs, hence why you don’t get to see them celebrate. I’m only a neutral giving my opinion on how silly it was to have no scoreboard in place for as big a game as today was. However I may be mistaken or do I remember a certain Barryroe player from the home of sheer skill being the heart of the last successful Rosscarbery adult team????
You seem to be ignorant of the fact that Rosscarbery beat ye today….
Ye hardly going to rely on a massive mistake by the ref and stay in the championship???
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