The Action Plan for Housing.

I just love simplistic solutions to complex problems:

How many of them are in probate?
How many of them have their owners in nursing homes?
How many of them are empty due to legal disputes.
How many of them are owned/re-possessed by the banks?
How many of them have structural issues?
How many of them are owned by the local authority?
How many of them have subsidence issues?
How many of them have asbestos/pyrite etc?
How many of them have their owners living abroad?
How many building contractors/Labourers are available?
How much will it cost assuming no issues like the above?

The truth hurts.

Are you advocating leaving all those potential homes rot?
Considering whats coming to light in the planning board atm it seems the Irish planning process is still trapped in Ray Burke mode.

Not only is our pal Hyde from Little Island under investigation but it seems another member of the board has been voting decisions in her neighbourhood.
Mr.Hyde is from Glounthane.

It is all coming crashing down
As usual you draw the wrong conclusion.

No biggie.
Your answer to the valid point about derelict properties is to try and make out that they can't be brought back into use, but it doesn't end there, a more competent government than the present one would at least attempt to deal with the issues preventing them from becoming viable homes, they can be part of the answer, like it or not.

As for sneering at people's objections to new developments, each one should be taken on it's individual merits, but you prefer to label all objectors as nimbys and cranks.

Do you really think that people living near the Manhattan like having it as an empty eyesore? Of course they don't, that doesn't mean they will automatically accept any plans put forward for its development.
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Ironic, considering he is a Cork man

PBC's finest.


Had a half share in a yacht with good old Simo.

This story is huge and bizarrely doesnt seem to be as 'sexy' as turf.

For those that have missed it Paul Hyde is the deputy chairman of the planning board. Its looking like Paul has been getting hands on with decisions for family members.

It is all coming crashing down

Yup, the shit is really starting to hit the fan

A Bord Pleanála (ABP) board member approved planning permission for a development brought by one of her company’s clients.

Deputy chairperson Paul Hyde also voted to approve the same development despite his brother’s engineering firm submitting a report in support of the application. Though Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council had recommended rejecting the proposed 493-unit apartment development, the three-person ABP board approved it last April.

According to ABP’s code of conduct, “A board member… shall not deal with or participate in the decision-making process in any case where he/she considers such involvement could give rise to an appearance of objective bias.”

‘Unduly overbearing’ said Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council​

ABP board member Michelle Fagan is a 33 percent shareholder in FKL Architects, which she co-founded in 2001. Her husband, Gary Lysaght, is a company director and owns another one-third share. FKL Architects on its website states that Fagan is “on secondment” to ABP.

Oakmount, Press Up Entertainment co-owner Paddy McKillen jnr’s property development group, is one of FKL Architects’ clients. Oakmount engaged the architecture firm for the design of its 48-unit Pinnacle development in Mount Merrion, Dublin 4.

Last month Oval Targets Ltd, part of the Oakmount group, received planning permission for a 493-unit apartment development in Monkstown, south county Dublin. Fagan’s FKL Architects didn’t work on this particular project.

The press uptake on this seems to be slow as there isnt a Joe Duffy angle yet but the scale of corruption here is becoming clear.
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