Sore knee..any suggestions?

Yeah yeah yeah cut it off..but seriously my knee is flogging killing's to the right of the kneecap and behind it. Anyone know any exercises or stretches that might help? I've never had any type of knee injury so havent a clue! I've been doing one-leg squats but it's seriously sore.
Sounds like my right knee! If I sat down for any length of time it kills me......

Deep freeze works for a while, but the pain always come back.
Sounds like tendonitis


The first step is to rest the knee. If you feel the pain during sport, you should stop and rest immediately.


Ice is one of the best methods of reducing pain, inflammation and swelling. Ice also helps to promote blood flow to the area. You shoud apply ice to the knee straight away and then at intervals. Do not keep the ice on for longer that 20 minutes at a time and do not put the ice directly on the knee (wrap it in a towel).


Lightly compress the knee area when applying ice.


Elevate the leg.
Sounds like tendonitis


The first step is to rest the knee. If you feel the pain during sport, you should stop and rest immediately.


Ice is one of the best methods of reducing pain, inflammation and swelling. Ice also helps to promote blood flow to the area. You shoud apply ice to the knee straight away and then at intervals. Do not keep the ice on for longer that 20 minutes at a time and do not put the ice directly on the knee (wrap it in a towel).


Lightly compress the knee area when applying ice.


Elevate the leg.

@Deef...owwww, it's my right one too.

@Gozzy I went to acupuncture for my neck earlier this year and wasn't really impressed.

@Cook, have a hot water bottle on it all evening, left my cold pack in Limerick :-( it's driving me nuts!! My sciatic nerve acts up (twinging now like) could they be connected do ya think? Or would that go opposite sides like hips, knees and ankles (dodgy left hip leads to right knee problems etc)
Oh god ya, plenty of squats, just make sure your knees go beyond your toes though.
That'll sort it. ;-)

Nah, planet of rest i'd say msGod.
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