Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

I stand to be corrected. Michelle Shahid is running in cork city south east. I understood that she was selected to run with DOL in the next general election. Is she running in local elections to get her name out there. Thats fairly good tactic as she is largely unknown. Had her husband a restauraunt ?
Yes, Mandy who ate all the pies is doing the same in CNC

Mandy, unlike Michelle, ran previously pretty poorly if I recall correctly. And I think Mandy's sister Orla would have been a much better prospect but all you can do is put your name forward and hope to get elected. It's a tough ask and not everybody is able to do it for one reason or another.
Who is on the ticket.

At the moment CSC it's Michelle Sahid and DOL.

DOL as sitting TD was returned unopposed at convention and his running partner had to be a female according to party rules. There were two candidates and, though I voted for the other candidate, Michelle Sahid won that vote. Democracy in action.
At the moment CSC it's Michelle Sahid and DOL.

DOL as sitting TD was returned unopposed at convention and his running partner had to be a female according to party rules. There were two candidates and, though I voted for the other candidate, Michelle Sahid won that vote. Democracy in action.
Does this mean that Mary Lou's running partner has to be a man?
The Complete Stone Roses
The Oliver Plunkett, Oliver Plunkett St.

1st Aug 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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