Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

Only problem with that Sound-y is that SF have not moved on, not a bit, they just don't talk about their part in a 30 year terrorism campaign, that should never have happened. And neither have they moved on in reaching across to unionists, which has contributed to unionists feeling more isolated. Because of the SF reliance on the silly 50+1 strategy, they clearly feel they don't HAVE TO reach across, and of course also to portray NI as a failed state.
So Nationalists in NI should have not fought back at all?
By that logic the Ukraine should just let Russia take them over?
The Good Friday Agreement was in 1998 - 10 years BEFORE Fianna Fail bankrupt this country Otto. But while you still want to rake up pre GFA events in order to criticise SF, you're quite happy to ignore what happened on FF's watch despite multiple warnings. :rolleyes:
This coming from one who was a member of FF.

Anyway I know your brain may not understand this but, there is one thing fucking up an economy but to be one of the world's best known terrorist organisations for 3 decades.

SF/IRA = Scum
Endup Presents- Jimpster (Freerange Records)
The Pavilion, 13 Careys Lane, Cork City

22nd Feb 2025 @ 9:30 pm
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St. Peters Cork, Today @ 10am

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