Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

How far in the past do they go to judge SF and why?

Fianna Fail who bankrupted the country in 2008, and ran guns in 1970?

Fine Gael born out of Blue Shirt adherents of Nazism in the 1930s and who've run this country for the ranchers and big business to the detriment of the weaker of Irish society for decades since.

Or is it that only SF have to pay in peoples' minds for their former links :unsure:
Were we actually declared bankrupt as a country though?

And if so does that mean we no longer exist like Rangers?

So, tell me what are we now to be called?
Were we actually declared bankrupt as a country though?

And if so does that mean we no longer exist like Rangers?

So, tell me what are we now to be called?

I didn't say we no longer exist. Hearts would be a much better parallel than Rangers. Ireland traded her way out of the administrative difficulty when the Troika came to town.
The Good Friday Agreement was in 1998 - 10 years BEFORE Fianna Fail bankrupt this country Otto. But while you still want to rake up pre GFA events in order to criticise SF, you're quite happy to ignore what happened on FF's watch despite multiple warnings. :rolleyes:
Only problem with that Sound-y is that SF have not moved on, not a bit, they just don't talk about their part in a 30 year terrorism campaign, that should never have happened. And neither have they moved on in reaching across to unionists, which has contributed to unionists feeling more isolated. Because of the SF reliance on the silly 50+1 strategy, they clearly feel they don't HAVE TO reach across, and of course also to portray NI as a failed state.
Look at you trying to teach a shinnerbot economics, you would have more luck teaching a sloth to run a 100m
I thought if he was consistent he would have been whinging about all the unjust penalties the Troika imposed on us, and that the well known anti Irishman John Beaton was spotted drinking in a pub around the corner from the IMF headquarters in Washington.

No he actually gave them credit for getting us out of the mess.
Only problem with that Sound-y is that SF have not moved on, not a bit, they just don't talk about their part in a 30 year terrorism campaign, that should never have happened. And neither have they moved on in reaching across to unionists, which has contributed to unionists feeling more isolated. Because of the SF reliance on the silly 50+1 strategy, they clearly feel they don't HAVE TO reach across, and of course also to portray NI as a failed state.

That terrorism campaign that should never have happened - who exactly is it you think started it? What should nationalists have done?

Your notion that SF have not moved on in reaching across to unionists is errant nonsense. MON has done her best to be a FM for all, and only the staunch Unionists try to deny that.

YOu may think that 50(%) +1 is not a majority, but I think you'll find that it is in Democracies.

I'd much rather have the PUL with us and all trying to make this a 32 county Ireland for all - we do successfully in most sports - we should be trying to do it in politics. But I'll tell you this - the days of the PUL veto are gone and they are not coming back.
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