Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

The lack of engagement from SF benches suggests most of them were not convinced this motion was the right thing to do,
They knew they were going to be hit with a barrage of stick from govt benches, In saying that some of the stuff from FG is OTT
TDs saying they were horrified at louise o Reilly saying Mcentee needs to be taken out, Id put that down as a turn of phrase nothing sinister,
Of course it was a turn of phrase but it shows what O Reilly has between the ears....a thicko...and she will be minister for health if they get into power
The lack of engagement from SF benches suggests most of them were not convinced this motion was the right thing to do,
They knew they were going to be hit with a barrage of stick from govt benches, In saying that some of the stuff from FG is OTT
TDs saying they were horrified at louise o Reilly saying Mcentee needs to be taken out, Id put that down as a turn of phrase nothing sinister,
There is no way that Mary Lou McDonalds wanted to take this motion of no confidence as it was politically immature and always destined to fail.

This backfiring daft idea must have come from S.F.H.Q. in Belfast as she is not that politically naive surely?

It is starting to look like she is just not fit for office after a disasterous few months since the Dail returned.
When was she fit for office or any of those imaginary intelligent people. Flooding in Midleton did anyone hear from Pat Buckley not a squeak but a young councillor stood down from the same party. Sinners and shimmers making hay in December just backfired .
Buckley is known to be a waste of space, It was a surprise to many that he retained his seat in 2020, But the tide was with
SF in that election which saw one candidate go on holidays during the campaign and still won a seat, Mairead Farrell lost her council
seat the previous year but easily won a seat in the GE,
You will know locally how hard working and diligent Danielle is,
The lack of engagement from SF benches suggests most of them were not convinced this motion was the right thing to do,
They knew they were going to be hit with a barrage of stick from govt benches, In saying that some of the stuff from FG is OTT
TDs saying they were horrified at louise o Reilly saying Mcentee needs to be taken out, Id put that down as a turn of phrase nothing sinister,

Was there any engagement from your FF idols in the back-benches jimmy?

How did Willie O'Dea and the rest of them vote?

"I want to put on record that this Minister for Justice just isn't fit for purpose. The Government need to do something about it. And please ignore the fact that I'm one of the people propping up that government and voting confidence in the self same Minister for Justice" - Willie O'Dea

If any Sinn Féin TD had an about face like O'Dea and the rest of his Oireachtas cronies there'd be howls of derision from all and sundry here. Meanwhile the shills are of the "Nothing to see here - move along now" mindset :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
She will get it...a nurse
Transport for him,2nd hand car salesman

Not sure Louise O'Reilly was a nurse - though she was a union rep for nurses at one stage if memory serves.

As for Minister for Transport having been a second hand car salesman it would still be better qualified than a guy who sold bicycles, is against improving the roads even where many people have alas died, and likes to lecture others on not taking unnecessary journies while he himself flies around the world even for votes where his vote wasn't going to be needed.
Rob Lamberti - A Celebration of George Michael
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

8th Oct 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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