But, the Board cannot make a decision on a planning application on the basis of the defects of another application, which is procedurally and legally separate. The Park project is a Part 8 process [am i correct in this btw?] and the Board have no jurisdiction there i.e. they are not being asked to make a decision on the Marina Park scheme, nor can they. The Board cannot refuse the PuC scheme on the basis of the Marina Park process being incomplete by virtue of the absence of an EIS. It simply can't happen.
The red line of the GAA development is in the Marina Park.
The Marina Park includes parking, access and flood management (increasing the size of the Atlantic Pond) all essential to the stadium. The marina park part 8 includes the removal of the watercourse north of the stadium and the inclusion of a pumped water system between the two pitches so that altantic pond water is used to maintain circulation in the southern watercourse, this is to prevent stagnation in the southern watercourse.
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